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Install NowAlmost all CBSE toppers recommend NCERT text books as the base book for your studies. Even CBSE officially prescribe NCERT books only. Do you know why? It is not only just because of low priced or government publication but these books are the bible for all of us.
CBSE prescribe NCERT Books: CBSE not only recommends NCERT books but also instructs the question paper setters to prepare board papers according to NCERT text book content. In all exam related circulars issued by CBSE, they recommend only NCERT books.
Wider coverage on all topics: These text books cover all the topics given in CBSE syllabus. If you go through NCERT books on Maths, you will find too many examples and theory basis for all the concepts. These books have good introductory information on all mathematical concepts which most of private publishers do not provide. It is not rote learning, NCERT focus on understanding of concepts.
Best for exam preparation: As suggested by CBSE, most of the questions come in your exam are from NCERT books. Some people complain that they have gone through all NCERT solutions but most of the questions were not there which came in exams. See, preparation of NCERT chapter-end questions is not enough. You must read the whole book line by line and make notes, especially you must go through NCERT Exemplar books. You will find almost all the questions are covered somewhere in the text.
Low price and High Quality: Class-10 NCERT text book for Mathematics costs Rs.110 and similar books by private publishers cost you Rs.250 to Rs.450. And it is true for books on all classes and all subjects. However, if you ask about the quality of content, no book can be compared to NCERT books. These books have some questions on all the concepts and other books have hundreds of questions on few concepts, sometime, irrelevant and out of course questions.
Written by Experts: NCERT book writing panel has best in class, authors and educationists. They have vast experience in their respective fields. These books are written on the basis of innovative research done on the concerned subject. The panel includes subject experts, psychologists, language experts and reviewers.
Your first text-book: Most of the toppers start with NCERT then dig deep. You must follow the same strategy. Take NCERT books as your first book to understand the concepts and once you have done with it, go for other refresher books. NCERT is bible for you, do not ignore it.
Exemplars are the best: Do not forget to go through NCERT Exemplar books. Now a days, many questions are asked from these books specially questions on applications, HOTS and evaluation are given from exemplar books. After you finish your text book, do practice questions given in exemplars.
You can download NCERT text books solutions in PDF format from myCBSEguide.com. These are also available on our mobile app for free to use.

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Oh come on apart from chemistry all ncert books are useless if you want to score high