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Install Now2020 is around the corner that means students preparing for CBSE boards will be starting with their revision. Appearing in boards creates tremendous pressure on students being the most coveted exams in the entire school life. But, we have a fantastic list of 10 tips that can help you score better without feeling anxious in exams. These tips will help you come out with flying colors in CBSE board exams.
Make sure you have not just read them but carefully implement them in your method of writing exams. These are tried and tested tips that have helped many students just like you.
Classify questions
A very innovative and helpful suggestion is that you should mark your questions from A to E, A being easy for you and E being the toughest for you. You can start answering from A to E, and this will improve your score and will help you save time and complete your paper on time.
Ensure Speed and Accuracy
As you have a specific time frame to complete the paper, it is crucial to ensure that you don’t waste time on a particular question. Ensure that your answers are correct if you’re spending a lot of time on them.
Write precise answers
Precise, relevant, and to-the-point answers always get you a better score and save time. You should not always write everything that you know. Always write answers as per the word limit mentioned in the question.
Use easy to understand the language
You should frame answers in an easy to use language, and you’re evaluated based on value points included in the answer.
Proper Presentation
Writing answers in a correct format with a neat presentation of content with well-defined illustrations and diagrams always fetch you more marks. It becomes easy for evaluators to do the corrections and understand your knowledge about the topic if it is well-described in a neat manner.
Attempt all answers
Don’t leave any question unattempted. In CBSE board exams, you will get marks for each step so you will get some marks even if the answer is not 100% correct. If you have time, then answer all the questions to improve your score.
Focus on the Question paper
A lot of times, students get intimidated by the number of sheets others are filling. You should always focus on our question paper to write the correct answer. Remember, you will score based on the accuracy of the answers.
Review your answers
You should always revise your answers before handing your sheet over to the examiner to cross-check your roll-number and question numbers and ensure that you have attempted all the questions.
Stay cool and compose
Ensure you had enough sleep before the exam. Don’t get nervous or be in a hurry to start writing the answers. Give ample time to read each question and understand them to write better answers.
Read the question paper carefully
Always keep the first 15 minutes for reading questions to gain a better understanding of questions to attempt, the question which is optional and questions that require more attention.
We hope you will make the most of the tips and use them effectively in your exam. Put your best foot forward. All the Best!

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Nice tips
Nice tips
Good tips
Nice tips