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Install NowSSC is conducting CGL 2022 Tier -1 in December 2022 as per the revised examination pattern. We know that the Combined Graduate Level Examination is now entirely computer-based. In this scenario, online tests are beneficial to score a good position.
SSC CGL on Test Generator
Thousands of school teachers are already using our test generator to create question papers (PDF) and online tests (MCQ) for their students. You will be happy to know that we have added the CGL question bank to Test Generator. Now, coaching institutes can create SSC CGL online tests within a few seconds with their own name and logo. The whole process is 100% online and your students will get detailed result analysis too.
This time, the Staff Selection Commission is conducting the CGL exam in the new format. Our Test Generator is fully optimized for the same and it provides you well-structured question bank so that you can focus on your coaching and conduct exams within minutes without any stress.
If you are a CGL aspirant, you can visit our Student Dashboard and access SSC CGL content under Competitive Exams > SSC CGL section.
If you are a coaching institute and willing to create and conduct SSC CGL online mock tests, please visit Examin8.com. We have thousands of questions on SSC exam pattern. These will help you create Mock Tests within a minute with your own name and logo.
CGL Tier-I Examination
Students will have four subjects in CGL Tier -I examination. These are
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- General Awareness
- Quantitative Aptitude
- English Comprehension
Each of them will have 25 questions and will carry 2 marks. SSC will deduct 1/4 i.e. 0.5 mark for every incorrect response.
CGL Tier-II Examination Paper -1
Tier II has three papers and the first paper is compulsory for all the posts. Let’s understand the syllabus of SSC CGL Paper-1 (Tier-2). This paper has three sections and six modules.
- Module-I: Mathematical Abilities (30 Questions)
- Module-II: Reasoning and General Intelligence (30 Questions)
- Module-I: English Language and Comprehension (45 Questions)
- Module-II: General Awareness (25 Questions)
- Module-I: Computer Knowledge Module (20 Questions)
- Module-II: Data Entry Speed Test Module (One Data Entry Task)
Paper-I will be conducted in two sessions – Session –I & Session-II, on the same day. Session-I will include conducting Section-I, Section II and Module-I of Section III. Session II will include conducting Module-II of Section III. Therefore, the duration of Session-I will be 2 hours and 15 minutes and the duration of Session II will be 15 minutes only.
Paper-I will be mandatory for the candidates to qualify for all the sections of Paper-I.
Typology of Questions in SSC CGL
Tier II (Paper-I, Paper-II & Paper-III) will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions, except for Module-II of Section-III of Paper-I. The questions will be set both in English & Hindi except for the English Language And Comprehension module in Section II of Paper-I.
There will be a negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in Section-I, Section-II and Module-I of Section-III of Paper-I and of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-II and Paper-III.
Module-I of Section-III of Paper-I i.e. Computer Knowledge Test is mandatory but qualifying in nature. However, while shortlisting the candidates for the posts where Computer Proficiency is prescribed i.e. Assistant Section Officer in CSS, MEA & AFHQ, Assistant in Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Assistant (GSI) in the Ministry of Mines, Assistant in Indian Meteorological Department (Ministry of Earth Sciences), Inspector (CGST &Central Excise), Inspector (Preventive Officer) & Inspector (Examiner) in CBIC and Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant in Department of Post, higher qualifying standards will be set in comparison to other posts.
Data Entry Speed Test (DEST)
Module-II of Section-III of Paper-I will include conducting a Data Entry Speed Test (DEST) for a duration of 15 minutes in Session-II on the same day.
The “Data Entry Speed Test” (DEST) Skill Test will be conducted for a passage of about 2000 (two thousand) key depressions for a duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes. Detailed instructions regarding Skill Test will be provided by the Regional Offices of the Commission. Information about the evaluation of Typing Test/ DEST is available on the Commission’s website https://ssc.nic.in (Candidate’s Corner).
DEST will be mandatory for all the posts; however, it will be qualifying in nature. While shortlisting the candidates for the posts where either Computer Proficiency is prescribed (as mentioned at Para 13.8.10) or where DEST is prescribed i.e.Tax Assistant in CBIC, Tax Assistant in CBDT, and UDC/ SSA in Central Bureau of Narcotics (Ministry of Finance), higher qualifying standards will be set in comparison to other posts.
DEST will be conducted in the manner decided by the Commission for the purpose.
OH candidates are eligible for exemption from attempting DEST, provided such candidates submit a Certificate in the prescribed format (Annexure-XVI) to the Commission from the competent Medical Authority, i.e., the Civil Surgeon of a Government Health Care Institution declaring him to be permanently unfit for the Typing Test because of a physical disability. However, such exemption is not available for the posts where either Computer Proficiency is prescribed (as mentioned at Para 13.8.10) or where DEST is prescribed (as mentioned at Para except for the post of the Tax Assistant in CBDT, for which exemption from attempting DEST is available. All other PwD candidates are not eligible for exemption from DEST.
PwBD candidates who are eligible for scribes as per para-7.1 and 7.2 of the Notice of Examination will be allowed additional compensatory time of 5 (five) minutes in DEST. Only those VH candidates who opt for scribes in the written examination will be provided a passage reader at the time of DEST.

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