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Install NowDownload CBSE sample paper for class 11 Physical Education from myCBSEguide. Sample paper for class 11 Physical Education are available for download in myCBSEguide app, the best app for CBSE students. Sample Paper for class 11 Physical Education includes questions from Changing Trends and Career in Physical Education, Olympic Movement, Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle, Physical Education and Sports for Differently Abled, Yoga, Physical Activity and Leadership Training, Test, Measurement and Evaluation, Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, Kinesiology, Biomechanics and Sports, Psychology and Sports, Training in Sports, Doping.
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Sample paper for Class 11 Physical Education
Here is Sample paper for class 11 Physical Education. To get the answers and more sample papers, visit myCBSEguide App or website stated above.
General Instructions:
- Question paper consists of 26 questions.
- All questions are compulsory
- Questions 1 to 11 are 01 Mark questions. These must be answered in 10-20 words.
- Questions 12 to 19 are 03 Marks questions. That must be answered in 30-50 words.
- Questions 20 to 26 are 05 Marks questions. That must be answered in 75-100 words.
- Explain the term “physical Activity environment”
- What do you mean by “lifestyle”
- State the aim of physical education.
- Define psychology.
- What do you mean by learning?
- Explain dynamic equilibrium.
- What does the organizers instead by saying that “only such students shall participate in the intramurals cricket competition who have not represented the school in any cricket championship in the past 2 years?
- What do you mean by human Anatomy?
- Define Test?
- When and how did the ancient Olympics Games begin.
- What is pranayam?
- Explain the factors which effect wellness?
- “Physical Education is an integral part of general education” justify this statement.
- Elaborate the functions of “IOC”.
- It is universal truth that modern age is the age of stress, tension and anxiety “How can yoga help is in prevention and management of this profitness.
- What do you mean by prohibited substance? Explain the homologous blood doping?
- Enlist the various career options available in the field of physical education and sports.
- What do you mean by measurement? Illustrate the importance of test and measurement in the field of sports?
- Discuss about the structure, location and function of heart in the human body?
- “Nowadays biomechanics is playing a vital role is improving the performance of sports persons” Justify this statement?
- Explain the developmental characteristics of adolescence?
- What do you mean by warning up? Enumerate the methods of warning up in detail?
- What do you mean by muscular system of the human body. Explain the structural classification of muscles in detail?
- Explain about the functions of skeletal system? Elaborate the freely movable joints in detail.
- Discuss about the organizational setup of CBSE spots?
- Describe about in competition and out of competition testing for doping control?
CBSE Sample Paper of Class 11
It is Sample paper for class 11 Physical Education. However, myCBSEguide provides the best sample papers for all the subjects. There are number of sample papers which you can download from myCBSEguide website. Sample paper for class 11 all subjects
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- CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education
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