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Install NowDo you want to get photocopy of the evaluated answer sheet of CBSE class 10 or class 12 Board exam held in March 2013 ? Now you can get it through online application. Simple follow the link below and fill the form, CBSE will send you the Photocopy of your answer sheet by post. You will be charged Rs.500/- per subject for this facility.
I) The subject(s) in which the photocopy of the evaluated Answer-book(s) is being requested for should be selected carefully by the candidate.
II) Request for obtaining photocopy of the evaluated answer book(s) should be made only ONLINE at the CBSEs website www.cbse.nic.in between 31st to 38th day from the date of declaration of result of the Main Exam held in March/April. Accordingly the dates for submission of ONLINE applications will be26th June, 2013 to 3rd July, 2013for Class XII and 29th June 2013 to 6th July, 2013 for Class X. The ONLINE facility will be available from 10.00 A.M. on the day of opening and upto 5.00 P.M. on the closing day.
III) After filling up the application form, a confirmation page will be generated through the website. The confirmation page alongwith the requisite enclosures and fee should reach the Board’s Regional Office concerned(list enclosed) on or before the date specified above.
IV) The confirmation page of the application form is to be submitted by the candidate duly filled up with the required undertaking strictly in his/her own hand writing and under his/her own signature and not by anyone else on his/her behalf. The signature should correspond with that on the Admit Card. The confirmation page of the application may either be handed over in the Regional Office concerned or sent through post within the stipulated period as per requisite information/instructions mentioned therein.
V) The confirmation page of the application form should be accompanied by:-
Fee of Rs. 500/- per subject in the form of Demand Draft favouring
Secretary, CBSE payable at the place of Regional Office concerned.
Undertaking in the space provided in the confirmation page that he/she would not question the evaluation done by the Examiner
Photocopy of his/her Admit Card
VI) Application submitted on behalf of the candidate as also incomplete application will be summarily rejected without any further reference.
VII) The Regional Office concerned will endeavour to send photocopy of the Answer-book within 30 days from the date of receipt of acceptance of the confirmation page alongwith enclosures and fee in the office of the Board. The photocopy of the evaluated answer book would be provided after blocking all information relating to the identity of the Examiner/Evaluators/any other official associated with the examination process and marks in respect of Class X. The photocopy of the evaluated answer book will be sent by speed post only.
VIII) If a candidate finds any error in totalling of marks/grade(s) or finds that any answer has not been evaluated in the photocopy of the evaluated answer book, then he/she should communicate in writing to the Regional Office concerned immediately so as to reach the Regional Office not later than a period of 10 days from the date of receipt of the copy of the evaluated Answer-book.
IX) Board does not have provision of revaluation of the answer book or supplementary answer book(s) hence any request for the same will not be entertained by the Board. However mistake, if any, as mentioned at para VIII above shall be loked into and corrected, if required.
X) The photocopy of the evaluated answer book shall not be given to any institution or school for display, commercial purpose or to print media.
XI) The decision of the Competent Authority of the Board on the marks/grades awarded shall be final and binding on the candidate.
XII) In the case of Secondary School Examination (Class X) the photocopy of the evaluated anserbooks would be provided to such Candidates who have appeared under Scheme II i.e. Board Based Category only.

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