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CBSE Guide Olympic Movement class 11 Notes Physical Education
CBSE guide notes are the comprehensive notes which covers the latest syllabus of CBSE and NCERT. It includes all the topics given in NCERT class 11 Physical Education textbook. Users can download CBSE guide quick revision notes from myCBSEguide mobile app and my CBSE guide website.
11 Physical Education notes Chapter 3 Olympic Movement
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CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Revision Notes Chapter 5
Ancient Olympic Games – In the Ancient time the games were held in honor of god Zeus. Since then the games were the greatest religious festival in the life of the Greeks. There were lots of stories about the origin of Ancient Olympic games. The word Olympic is derived from Olympia a valley, where first such games were organized.
Modern Olympic Games – For revival of Modern Olympic games credits goes to the Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France. With his great effort/the first Modern Olympic games were held in Athens in 1896. There were nine countries who participated in First Olympic games.
Olympic symbols – The Olympic flag has five interlocking rings, represented five continents of world.
Objectives of Olympics –
1. To develop personality, characters, citizenship among nations.
2. To develop good habits among sports persons.
3. To pay attention towards physical education and sports Competitions among countries.
4. To develop International fraternity and peace.
Development of values through Olympics – Olympics has developed following values among sports persons.
1. Friendship
2. solidarity
3. Fair play
4. Free from discrimination
5. Free from drugs
International Olympic Committee (IOC) – It is the highest body which is con- trolling the Olympic games. It was formed during the International Athletic Con- gress held in Paris in June 25, 1894, With the efforts of Baron de Coubertin. The Headquarter of IOC are located in lousanne(Switzerland).
Para Olympics –This is similar to Olympic games for disabled sports persons. In 1960 first time they were organized in Rome. The headquarter of International Para Olympic is situated at Bonn, Germany. The International Para Olympic(IPC) is responsible for organizing summer and winter Olympic games. At present, it comprises of 176 National Para Olympic Committees.
Indian Olympic Association – Indian Olympic Association (IOA) was formed in 1927,Mr.D orabji Tata was its first president. Indian Olympic Association is affiliated with International Olympic Committee. The Indian Olympic Association executive board consists of various members like president, Vice- president, Secretary, joint-Secretary, treasurer and state Olympic associations and representatives of national federations.
SPORTS AWARDS – There are following awards for prestigious coaches and outstanding sports persons, given by the Govt. of India.
Dronacharya Award – It is for the coaches who’s Athletes perform outstanding performance in International competitions. This Award was started in 1985 in the memory of Guru Dronacharya of Mahabharata. Five lakh rupees cheque, statue of Arjuna and scroll of Honor is given to the awardees.
Arjuna Award – It is given to those sports persons for outstanding performance in International/national competitions. This Award was started in 1961.t his award is given in the memory of Arjuna of Mahabharata.
Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratna Award – This award was instituted by the Rajeev Gandhi Trust in the year 1991-92. This award is given for most spectacular and outstanding performance by a sports persons. This Award is presented to one sport person from individual sports but it can be given to more than one person in case of team events. Seven lakh and fifty thousand rupees cheque , a medal and scroll of honor is given to the awardees.
Organizational Setup of CBSE Sports – The Central Board of Secondary Education, is the highest authority to conduct games & sports tournaments at cluster, zonal and national level in various games & sports annually.
Chacha Nehru Sports Award – This award/scholarship is started by the CBSE for talented students of class 9 to 12 for their outstanding performance in CBSE affiliated games and sports. This Award is in the form of scholarship and it motivates the students to excel in their sports activities.
CBSE Class-11 Revision Notes and Key Points
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