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Install NowAll state boards have some specific textbooks but nowadays most of them are using NCERT textbooks. Especially they are following these books for core subjects like Science, Maths and Social Science. National Education Policy 2020 suggests the implementation of a common curriculum in all core subjects. As on date, most of the state boards are using NCERT books to match the national standards.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6
Class 6 NCERT textbooks have many chapters. Each chapter has some questions at the end of the text. These questions are named chapter-end questions. Apart from these chapter-end questions, there are some intext questions as well. We provide NCERT Solutions for class 6 through the myCBSEguide App in PDF format. Students can download them for free.
- NCERT Solutions for Class-6 Social Science
- NCERT Solutions for Class-6 Science
- NCERT Solutions for Class-6 Mathematics
- NCERT Solutions for Class-6 English
- NCERT Solutions for Class Hindi

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