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Install NowNCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Ear to ear book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. These ncert book chapter wise questions and answers are very helpful for CBSE exam. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. Class 5 EVS chapter wise NCERT solution for Science Book all the chapters can be downloaded from our website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free.
NCERT solutions for Class 4 EVS Download as PDF
NCERT Class 4 EVS Chapter wise Solutions
- Going To School
- Ear To Ear
- A Day With Nandu
- The Story of Amrita
- Anita And The Honeybees
- Omana’s Journey
- From The Window
- Reaching Grand Mother’s House
- Changing Families
- Hu Tu Tu Hu Tu Tu
- Valley Of Flowers
- Changing Times
- A River’s Tale
- Basva’s Farm
- From Market To Home
- A Busy Month
- Nandita In Mumbai
- Too Much Water Too Little Water
- Abdul In The Garden
- Eating Together
- Food And Fun
- The World In My Home
- Pocham palli
- Home And Abroad
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Ear to ear
Who has got my ears (Page 11)
Q.1. The artist has mixed up the ears of the animals. Join the correct ears with the animals. Match them correctly in the table.
Head | Ear | Head | Ear |
Elephant | Mouse | Dog | Rabbit |
Rabbit | Giraffe | Buffalo | Deer |
Mouse | Dog | Deer | Buffalo |
Giraffe | Elephant |
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Ear to ear
Page 12
Q.1. Different animals have different kinds of ears. Among the animals given below, which ones have ears that you can see? In which animal you can not see the ears? Write in the table.
Deer | Frog | Fish | Ant | Crow |
Tiger | Sparrow | Buffalo | Snake | Lizard |
Pig | Duck | Giraffe | Elephant | cat |
Ans. Animals with ears that we can see:
Deer, Tiger, Buffalo, Pig, giraffe, Elephant, Cat
Animals with ears that we cannot see:
Frog, Fish, Ant, Crow, Sparrow, Snake, Lizard, Duck.
Q.2. Do you think that the animals whose ears we cannot see, really do not have ears?
Ans. They have ears.
Let us observe this picture (Page 12)
Q.1. Name the animals in the picture.
Ans. Hen, sparrow, duck, parrot, crow, frog.
Q.2. Can you see their ears?
Ans. They all have ears, even though we cannot see them.
Q.3. Find out some other animals which have ears that we cannot see. Write their names.
Ans. All birds, mosquitoes, fly etc.
Read and Write (Page 13)
(1) An animals with ears like fans : Elephant
(2) An animals with ears leaves : Rabbit
(3) An animals with ears on the top of its head : Rabbit
(4) An animals with ears on both side of its head : Dog
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Ear to ear
Whose Skin (Page 13)
Q.1. Now you know how to recognize animals by their ears. Let us see if we can recognize animals by their skin. Match the animals shown here with the pictures of their skin. Make the correct pattern of the skin on the picture of each animal.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Ear to ear
Page 15
Q.1. You might have seen some of the animals given below.
Fox | Elephant | Sparrow | Pigeon |
Frog | Crow | Peacock | Pig |
Mouse | Cat | Buffalo | Duck |
Hen | Camel | Lizard | Cow |
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Ear to ear
Put the names of the animals in the table below:
Can see | Has hair | Cannot see | Has feathers |
Ears | On skin | Ears | On skin |
Elephant | Fox | Sparrow | Sparrow |
Fox | Elephant | Pigeon | Pigeon |
Pig | Pig | Frog | Crow |
Mouse | Mouse | Crow | Peacock |
Cat | Cat | Peacock | Duck |
Buffalo | Buffalo | Duck | Hen |
Camel | Camel | Hen | |
Cow | Cow | Lizard |
Q.2. In which list did you put the cow and buffalos?
Ans. Animals whose ear can be seen and have hair on skin?
Q.3. From a distance, can you see the hair on their skin?
Ans. No.
Q.4. Try to go near one of them. Could you see hair?
Ans. Yes.
Q.5. Can you tell which of the animals mentioned in the above list lay eggs? Find out and write the names of these animals in the green box. Which of the animals in the list give birth to babies? Write their names in the red box.
Give birth to babies | Lay eggs | ||
Deer | Buffalo | Frog | Ant |
Giraffe | Elephant | Crow | Parrot |
Cat | Cow | Sparrow | Fish |
Pig | Lizard | Duck |
Q.6. What did you note?
Ans. Those animals whose ears you can see have hair on their body. These animals give birth to the young ones. Those animals that do not have ears on the outside, and have no hair on their body, lay eggs.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Ear to ear
Page 17
Q.1. Have you seen animals, around your house or school, that have got small babies? Write their names in your notebook.
Ans. Cat, dog, etc.
Q.2. Have you ever had a pet animal? Does anyone around have a pet?
Ans. I have a pet dog.
Q.3. Find out about a pet animal:
(1) What animals is it?
Ans. It is a Dog.
(2) Does it have a pet name? What is it?
Ans. Yes, Its name is Harry.
(3) Who gave it this name?
Ans. Its owner.
(4) What does it like to eat?
Ans. Milk and Bread.
(5) How many times a day does it get fed?
Ans. Three times.
(6) When does it sleep? For how long does it sleep?
Ans. It sleep in the afternoon for an hour. It also sleeps at night.
(7) Is these any special way to look after this animal? How?
Ans. It is bathed with dog soap.
(8) Does it get angry? When? How do you know it is angry?
Ans. Yes. It gets angry if any unknown person enters its house. It barks at the unknown person.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Ear to ear
Page 18
Q.1. Does it have hair on its skin, or feathers?
Ans. It has hair.
Q.2. Can you see its ears?
Ans. Yes.
Q.3. Is it a baby or a young animal or a big one?
Ans. Young animal.
Q.4. Will this animal lay eggs or give birth to babies?
Ans. Give birth to young ones.
Q.5. Does it have young ones?
Ans. No.
Q.6. Draw a picture of this animal and colour it. Give it a name of your own choice.
Ans. Dog.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Ear to ear
Page 19
Q.1. Look at the picture. Colour the parts which have even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8, …). What do you see? Find out the name of the animal.
Ans. Dinosaurs.
Q.2. Have you seen any animal that loo9ks like a little dinosaur? Do you know its name?
Ans. Lizard.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Ear to ear
Page 20
Q.1. Look at this animal. Write its name. Do you know that this is our National Animal?
Ans. Tiger.
Q.2. Where do they live?
Ans. In the jungle.
Q.3. The number of the animal are going down in India. Discuss why this could be happening?
Ans. People hunt tiger for many reasons.
(i) To show bravery.
(ii) For bones
(iii) For skin
Unlimited hunting is responsible for the fall in number of tigers. Alos people are cutting down forests which reducing the living area for tigers.
NCERT Solutions for Class 4 EVS Chapter 2 Ear to ear
NCERT Solutions Class 4 EVS PDF (Download) Free from myCBSEguide app and myCBSEguide website. Ncert solution class 4 EVS includes text book solutions for CBSE Class 4 EVS have total 24 chapters. 4 EVS NCERT Solutions in PDF for free Download on our website. Ncert EVS class 4 solutions PDF Science ncert class 4 PDF solutions with latest modifications and as per the latest CBSE syllabus are only available in myCBSEguide.
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