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Install NowAIIMS conducts Medical Entrance Exams for many undergraduate and post graduate courses in the campus of the institute. The list of examinations is provided below.
The basic information regarding the programme details for admission to different programmes by the Institute are given in a tabular form. The same indicates the name, duration of the course, tentative month of the examination and its Admission Notice. The same are also published in leading Newspapers and AIIMS websites i.e. www.aiims.edu and www.aiims.ac.in
S.No. | Name of Course | Eligibility | Duration | Month of Exam | Admission Notice |
1. | B.Sc. (Hons). Paramedical Courses i) Ophthalmic Techniques ii) Medical Technology in Radiography | 10+2 or equivalent with 50% marks (45% for SC/ST) in English, Physics Chemistry & Bio. or Maths | 3 Yrs. | June | March |
2. | B.Sc. (Hons). Nursing | 10+2 or equivalent with 50% marks (45% for SC/ST) in English, Physics Chemistry & Bio. Age 17Yrs. & above (for female candidates only) | 4Yrs. | June | March |
3. | B.Sc. (Hons). (Post Certificate) | 10+2 or equivalent Certificate in Gen. Nsg. & Midwifery and be an ‘A’ Grade Nurse, registered with State Nurses Registration council. Minimum 3yrs. experience as a staff Nurse in a recognised hospital or as a public health nurse. | 2 Yrs. | June | March |
4.(i) | M.Sc. / M. Biotech (Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology) | B.Sc. (Minimum 3 years duration in any subjects) B.V. Sc./ B. Pharma with 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) OR MBBS/ BDS with atleast 55% marks (50% for SC/ST) | 2 Yrs. | July | March |
4.(ii) | M.Sc. (Perfusion Technology) | B.Sc. with Biology or B.Sc. In Perfusion Technology from a recognised University. | 2 Yrs. | July | March |
4.(iii) | M.Sc. (Nuclear Medicine Technology) | B.Sc. In Nuclear Medicine from a recog. University OR B.Sc. with Physics/ Chemistry / Maths from a recognised University.OR B.Sc. in allied/related subject i.e. Radio Diagnosis (MRT) Radiotherapy from a recog. University. OR B.Sc. in Life Sc. with Physics as a subject from recognised University. | 2 Yrs. | July | March |
4.(iv) | M.Sc. (Urology Technology) | B.Sc. with Science (Biology Compulsory at 10+2 level) ORB.Sc. Theatre Technique. | 2 Yrs. | July | March |
4.(v) | M.Sc. Nursing Cardiological/ CTVS Nursing Oncological Nursing Neurosciences Nursing Nephrological Nursing Critical Care Nursing Paediatric Nursing Psychiatric Nursing | B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing, B.Sc. Nursing (PC)/ Post Basic from any recognised University with 60% marks (55% marks for SC/ST) | 2 Yrs. | July | March |
5. | MBBS | 10+2 or equivalent with 60% marks (50% for SC/ST) in English, Physics Chemistry & Bio. Age: 17yrs.. as on 31st of December of the year of admission & above | 5½ Yrs. | 1st. June | December |
6. | AIPGMEE MD/ MS/ MDS/ P.G. Diploma | MBBS/BDS OR Foreign Medical degree from a college recognised by MCI/DCI. Date of completion of internship (12 months) on or before 31st March or earlier. | 3 Yrs. from the date of admission | January | September |
7. | AIIMS-PG (MD/MS/MDS) | MBBS/BDS with 55% marks (50% for SC/ST) and must have completed 12 months compulsory internship in a recognised hospital. | 3 Yrs. | May & November | March & August |
8. | DM | MD in required speciality Age limit 35 yrs (5 yrs. relaxable for SC/ST) upper age limit is not applicable for sponsored candidates. | 3 Yrs. | June & December | March & August |
9.(i) | M.Ch. | MS in General Surgery of AIIMS OR any other University recognised by MCI Age limit: 35 yrs. relaxable for SC/ST) upper age limit is not applicable for sponsored candidates. | 3 Yrs. | June / December | March & August |
9.(ii) | M.Ch. (6 yrs. course) | MBBS degree & one year compulsory Internship with 55% marks in aggregate in all MBBS professional exams. The eligibility criteria are the same as specified for MD/MS (3 year course) | 6 Yrs. | June / December | March & August |
10. | MHA | Medical Graduate: MBBS with 55% marks minimum 3 yrs. exp. in a recognised hospital OR 5 yrs. experience as Gen. Practitioner.Non Med. Graduates: Eligible for sponsored seat onlyBachelor’s degree in Arts or Science Nursing OR Business Admn. OR Commerce OR Engineering OR any Technical subject with atleast 60% marks. Experience of 7 yrs. in responsible Administrative position. | 2 Yrs. for Medical Graduates 3 Yrs. for non-Medical Graduates | June/ December June/ December | March & August March & August |
11. | Ph.D Admission to Ph.D. is subject to availability of research/ funds/ fellowship/ grant from recognised funding agencies. | M.Sc. OR Master Degree in any subject allied to Bio-Medical Sciences OR Master degree in Nursing with 60% marks. ORMaster of Surgery OR Doctor of Medicine OR MBBS with a minimum of 55% marks. in the professional examinations ORan equivalent Degree OR Diplomat of the NBE. | 3-5 Yrs. | January / July | March & August |
For enquiries, please contact:
Examination Section
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 110029
Tel: 2658 8500, 2658 8700, 2658 9900
Fax: 2658 8789

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