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Install NowGovt. of NCT, Delhi has constituted the `Delhi Commission For Protection of Child Rights’ (DCPCR) through an Act (No. 4 of 2006) of Parliament.
As per the functions laid down under the Act, the Commission is to :
• examine and review the safeguards under any law for the protection of child rights and
• recommend measures for their effective implementation
• present to the govt. annual and special reports
• enquire into violation of child rights of children affected by terrorism, violence, disaster, HIV/AIDS, trafficking, mal-treatment and exploitation
• recommend remedial measures
• look into matters related to children in need of care and protection, distressed, marginalized and disadvantaged children, juveniles and others in conflict with law, children without family and children of prisoners for appropriate remedial measures;
• review periodically – treaties, international instruments, government policy, programmes and activities on child rights and their effective implementation in the best interest of children;
• promote research, literacy and awareness of child rights
• safeguard through media, publication, seminars etc.
• inspect juvenile and residential institutions run by the government and social organizations to ensure proper care, treatment, reformation and protection of children
• promote respect and give serious consideration to children’s views in the activities of the government and organization, besides compilation, promotion and incorporation of child rights in various field of activities.
The Commission is empowered to inquire into complaints and take `suo motu’ notice of matters relating to
• deprivation and violation of child rights
• non-implementation of laws providing for protection and development of children
• non-compliance of policy decisions, guidelines or instructions aimed at mitigating hardships, to ensure welfare and provide relief to children; to take up all such issues with appropriate authorities and carry out any other functions for promotion of child rights and matters incidental.
The children, i.e., all persons below 18 years of age constitute nearly 42% of the population, of whom at least 25% are reported to be extremely deprived, marginalized and poor-who suffer multiple forms of abuse and exploitation. A vast number of such children in Delhi, legally defined as `Children in Need of Care & Protection’ under the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2000, may be those without homes/ settled abode or without any ostensible means of subsistence; found begging, street or working children; under threat to life, injury, abuse or neglect; mentally and physically challenged or ailing; with parents and guardians incapacited to look after them; exploited, sexually abused or subjected to illegal acts, drug-abuse, trafficking, unconscionable gains or victims of conflict, commotion or calamity.
The Chairman and the office In-charge of DCPCR at Delhi may be contacted on e-mail at [email protected] , Mobile Nos. 9810995059 & 9811559945. Temporarily, the office of the Commission has started operating from the Nirmal Chhaya Complex, Jail Road, New Delhi.

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