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Install NowCBSE has introduced two new courses in class 12 this year. Class XII Student will appear for the first time in Graphics Design Course (Code NO – 71) and Heritage Crafts (Code no 70). Sample Question papers in both the subjects have been posted on the Board’s website www.cbse.nic.in.
The scheme of making CBSE Board exam optional in class 10 is not applicable in March 2010 examinations. All students of Class X in the current academic year (2009-2010) will be taking the CBSE Board’s Class X 2010 Examination.
The weightage of the school based assessment will remain the same as per past practice, i.e. 20% each in the subjects of Science, Social Science and Mathematics. There is no change in internal assessment scheme for current academic session 2009-2010. The new scheme of evaluation will be practiced in the session starting from April 2010.
Now students will have only grades in class 10 examination this year onwards. Marks will not be issued for the exams being conducted in March-April 2010. The new Grading system has been introduced at Secondary School level (for Classes IX & X) effective from 2009-10 Academic Sessions.
The details of grading scheme have been circulated to school via circular no 39 & 40 available on website www.cbse.nic.in. You can get the details from www.myCBSEguide.com too.

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want to download the compartment appliaction form for 12th class from cbse
I have seen other articles on this subject before, however, they pale in comparison to the way this article was written. You have great insight.