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Install NowCBSE has reinstated board exam in class 10 from this session. Now complete syllabus will be part of 80 marks board exam that will be conducted by CBSE in March 2018. We, at myCBSEguide have just released new board exam based CBSE Class 10 Maths Test Papers. These chapter-wise solved practice papers covers the whole syllabus of CBSE class 10 Mathematics.
Download CBSE class 10 Maths Test Papers Now
There are seventy fully solved CBSE Class 10 Maths Test Papers with 10-12 questions in each paper. These question papers are very helpful to revise and evaluate performance of the student chapter by chapter. It is said that the more you practice, the more you retain. Specially in case of Mathematics, where students have to practice a lot; these question papers will certainly help them to score batter grades.
Mathematics Practice Papers in PDF format
Here all these CBSE Class 10 Maths Test Papers are provided in single PDF file format for instant download. Simply go to elpiscart.com select the ebook, make online payment and download it. It takes hardly 1-2 minutes and you gets the PDF file. There are total 365 pages in this PDF file which comprises 70 chapter wise test papers for class 10 Mathematics.
Class 10 Mathematics List of Chapters
There are total 15 chapters in class 10 Mathematics. This year onward all 15 chapters will be included in board exam question paper. So it is a bit difficult to score higher marks as compare to exams under CCE system where CBSE conducted only 30 Marks exam and other 70 marks were being given by school. The chapters included are
1 Real Numbers
2 Polynomials
3 Pair of Linear Equations
4 Quadratic Equations
5 Arithmetic Progressions
6 Triangles
7 Coordinate Geometry
8 Introduction to Trigonometry
9 Some applications of Trigonometry
10 Circles
11 Constructions
12 Areas Related to Circles
13 Surface Areas and Volumes
14 Statistics
15 Probability
CBSE Practice Papers for class 10 Maths
myCBSEguide provides topic wise CBSE Class 10 Maths Test Papers as per the latest board exam pattern for the session 2017-18 and board exam conducted in March 2018. There are around 3-5 test papers from each chapter. These all papers are bundled in one E-Book for one click download as PDF file. This ebook has been our best seller for last 3 years.

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