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Install NowUnder its new scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE), the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has now decided that students of classes IX and X who fare well in extra-curricular activities will be “upgraded” in one or two academic subjects.
Under CCE, students of classes IX and X are graded in both scholastic and co-scholastic areas. The CBSE has now decided that students getting good grades in co-scholastic areas will benefit in the scholastic area as well. The Board has asked all affiliated schools to “upgrade” the students — raise the grade in an academic subject — if they fare well in extra-curricular activities.
A student who scores between 34 and 42 grade points in extra-curricular activities stands a chance to be “upgraded” to the next level in two subjects in which he or she has got the lowest grade. A student getting grade points between 19 and 33 points will get one-level better grade in at least one subject.
Source : Indian Express

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I want to know about the activity of punjabi
give some mcq question and imp question plzzzzz
I am a student of Xth standard . I just wanted to give an opinion for term 2 board examination 2021-22.
I am request you please don’t let examination cancel because it will not effect you but it will definitely affect us(students).
I am not in favor with those student who dont want the exams. I just want please take exam but not in descriptive manner. We all are very fine with MCQ exam. We almost forgot how to write and it is one of the big difficulty for us.
Please help us we have a lot of pressure from our parents and relatives. Descriptive manner is not good for now. Take exam in mcq way. Try to understand our problem.
Thank you