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Install NowCCE Syllabus for class 9 Science for session 2010-2011 prescribed for First Term (April 2010 to September 2010) and Second Term (October 2010 to March 2011) issued by CBSE, New Delhi.
As per CCE guidelines the syllabus of Science for classes IX & X has been divided term wise. The units specified for each term shall be assessed through both Formative and Summative assessments. In each term, there will be two formative assessments each carrying 10% weightage. The summative assessment in the first term will carry 20% weightage and the summative assessment in the second term will carry 40% weightage. Hands on practical examination will be conducted through formative assessment once in every term with 20% weightage of total term marks. Assessment of Practical skills through MCQ will carry 20% weightage in every term end summative assessment.
First Term (April 2010 to September 2010) =>
There will be TWO FORMATIVE and ONE SUMMATIVE test in first term. Formative assessments (F1 and F2) will carry total 20 marks (10 marks each) and Summative assessment (S1) will carry 20 Marks.
Thus CCE first term will carry overall 40 Marks (10+10+20=40).
The following topics will be assessed in First Term:
Matter – Its nature and behaviour
Nature of matter
Organisation in living world
Cell-Basic Unit of life, Tissues
Motion, Force & Work
Motion, Force and Newton’s laws, Work, Force and Energy
Second Term (October 2010 to March 2011) =>
There will be TWO FORMATIVE and ONE SUMMATIVE test in second term. Formative assessments (F3 and F4) will carry total 20 marks (10 marks each) and Summative assessment (S2) will carry 40 Marks.
Thus CCE second term will carry overall 60 Marks (10+10+40=60).
The following topics will be assessed in Second Term:
Matter- Its nature and behaviour
Particle nature; basic units mole concept; structure of atom;
Organisation in the living world
Biological diversity; Health & Diseases;
Motion, Force & Work
Gravitation; floatation; sound
Our Environment
Physical Resources; Bio-geochemical cycles in nature
For Details of Split up syllabus in CCE first term and second term, kindly visit the link below:
Click Here => Download CCE Syllabus for Class 9 Science (Term 1 and Term 2)

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