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Install NowCBSE model question papers for the session 2020-21 have many changes. As we know, CBSE has reduced the syllabus by 30% in all the subjects, you will find some big changes in the latest sample question paper this year. myCBSEguide Mobile App is the first learning app that is going to provide you the latest updates on CBSE Sample Papers 2021 class 10.
CBSE Sample Paper 2021
Although CBSE has provided some basic guidelines on the blueprint of Question Paper Format for 2021 Board Examination, yet in the case of languages (Hindi and English) it is almost clear. So, We have started updating our mobile app content accordingly.
English Sample Papers (2021)
Class 10 English model question paper will have 50% MCQs and objective type questions. A big surprise here for you is the reading comprehension where all the questions will carry only MCQs. Another surprising part of the new sample paper 2021 will be the extracts from the text-book. These are also having only MCQs. This year, you will get only MCQs from the grammar portion. So, overall 40 marks out of a total of 80 marks will have only MCQs.
We are updating the sample papers for class 10 English in our My CBSE Guide mobile app. So, if you want to get this update at the earliest, do install myCBSEguide App now.
Hindi Sample Papers (2021)
Class 10 Hindi A and Hindi B too have some unexpected changes. If your teacher is still teaching you the old pattern, it’s time to interrupt her. Check the latest updates in CBSE Guide Mobile App and prepare for your exam accordingly. Following the same pattern as discussed above, Hindi A and Hindi B will have 50% MCQs from Grammar, Unseen Passage and Extracts.
Our teachers are working hard to provide you the latest sample question papers for session 2020-2021 as soon as possible. We advise you to download myCBSEguide App today and be the first to get the newly introduced updates by CBSE.
CBSE Previous Year Question Bank
We know sample paper has its own importance. After completing the syllabus, we should practice model papers as much as possible. But the most important part that students usually miss is the revision of questions that have been asked in previous years.
We at My CBSE Guide have created a chapter-wise question bank of all previous year questions. This question bank with complete solutions is available in the mobile app. We suggest all your students go through this question bank and give your preparation a new edge.

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Class 10 Science MCQ
GK MCQ Questions