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Install NowCBSE is asking feedback from the teachers and schools on the formative assessment manuals prepared for CCE class 9 and class 10. It’s first time happening when teachers are individually involved in this process. We should be thankful to CBSE for introducing the system. Kindly visit the CBSE official site for latest update and forms.
This is a good gesture by CBSE to create a bridge between the Teachers and authority which will ultimately be helpful for students. It is hoped that teachers and students will derive maximum benefit from these schemes. By studying the contents carefully and by using the tasks in classroom teaching, teachers would be able to build their capacity for enhanced learning. Furthermore, teachers needs to use appropriate assessment methods to be able to identify strengths and weaknesses in individual students to provide them with specialized help and special programs.
Certain practical guidelines have been included in the manuals to enable schools and teachers to implement formative assessment within the CCE framework as proposed by the Board for classes IX and X. Using this assessment methods is important for teachers to effectively evaluate how well students understand their lessons and to ensure that instruction is at an appropriate level. Feedback for Formative Assessment Manuals for Teachers for classes IX and X is asked here and we are receiving valuable inputs from the teachers on the Manuals for class X . Encouraged by the response and suggestions given by the teachers the board seeks same kind of contribution for Formative Assessment Manuals for Teachers for both the classes. You are requested to kindly get the feedback form filled by the teachers of your school who are taking class IX and class X, in their respective subjects.
The Board welcomes the suggestions and thanks the teachers in advance for sharing their thoughts with us. We appreciate the time and effort put in to provide feedback to us. One can also approach myCBSEguide.com in case of any enquiry related to CBSE manuals for formative assessment.
Feedback forms are available at CBSE official website. Your kindly requested to download the same and submit it as per the guidelines. We like to hear from you and it is the privilege of myCBSEguide to revert you with appropriate content and materials. We also need a feedback from you
For further details visit the following links.
Feedback for Formative Assessments Manuals (Hindi) for Teachers for class IX & class X

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