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Install NowCBSE has announced compartment result 2018 on August 7, 2018 for class 12 and on August 9, 2018 for class 10 board exams. CBSE Compartment Result 2018 is available in https://cbseresults.nic.in now. Students can check their result in CBSE official website. Although, it was first board exam for class 10 students after 8 years yet the compartment cased were less then expected.
Compartment Exam Result
CBSE conducted compartment, supplementary, improvement exam in second half of July 2018. Class 12 students were allowed to sit in any one exam only. Thus, class 12 compartment exam was conducted on single day. However, class 10 students were allowed to sit in more than one subject so the examination for class 10 was a week long event.
CBSE Compartment Result 2018
CBSE class 12 compartment result is available here : http://cbseresults.nic.in/class12compbvc/Class12th18c.htm
CBSE class 10 compartment result is available here : http://cbseresults.nic.in/class10auzCmpt/Class10th18C.htm
Compartment result 2018 for CBSE class 10 and class 12 are out. If any student could not get passing marks, he/she will be given another chance to clear the exam.
CBSE Compartment Rules 2018
- A candidate placed in Compartment Examination may reappear at the compartmental examination to be held in July the same year, may avail herself of second chance in March/April and third chance in July of next year. The candidate will be declared ‘PASS’ provided he/she qualifies the compartmental subjects in which she had failed. Syllabi and Courses shall be the same as applicable for the candidates of full subjects appearing at the examination in the year concerned.
- A candidate who fails to appear or fails at one or all the chances of compartment examination shall be treated to have failed in the examination and shall be required to reappear in all the subjects at the subsequent annual examination of the Board as per syllabi and courses laid down for the examination concerned in order to pass the examination. The candidates’ practical marks/internal assessment marks obtained in the Main examination will be carried over till the third chance compartmental examination.
The candidate shall have the option to appear at the practical examination in the subjects involving practical or retain their previous marks in one more annual examination after the third chance compartment. - A candidate placed in compartment shall be allowed to appear at the subsequent three chances of Compartment only in those subjects in which he/she has been placed in compartment.
- The CBSE will conduct examination for all 5 subjects while other subjects which will be assessed internally by the Schools.
- A student will be given one paper each carrying 100 marks for 3 hours. However, in subjects requiring practical examination, there will be a theory paper and a practical examination as required in the syllabi and courses.
- For subjects involving practical work, in case the candidate has passed in practical at the main examination he/she shall appear only in theory part and previous practical marks will be carried forward and accounted for.
In case a candidate has not qualified/failed in practical/internal assessment she shall have to appear in theory and practical/internal assessment both irrespective of the fact that he/she has already qualified/cleared the theory examination.
Read more CBSE Compartment Rules and CBSE exam bye laws

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