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Install NowLearning through visuals is always better than reading simple text books. It retains for longer time and develops understanding of concepts quickly. myCBSEguide is now showcasing Social Science videos for class 10 in both Hindi and English medium. It is the collection of best videos available over different domains for free. These learning videos are made available through myCBSEguide App and website.
Social Science videos in Hindi and English
CBSE class 10 Social Science free videos in Hindi as well as English are available in myCBSEguide app and website for free. These videos are carefully picked from youtube and other websites covering the whole syllabus. The videos are going to be very helpful for social science students, specially for Hindi medium students who do not get good content over internet. The learning videos on Social Science will enable students to learn and revise the whole syllabus in minutes.
Social Science Videos all chapters
Social Science Video for class 10 are available in both website and mobile app of myCBSEguide. Students can go through these videos and lean concepts. It includes videos of Making of a Global World, The Age of Industrialization, print culture and the modern world, nationalism and imperialism, nationalism in India, water resources, resource development, mineral and energy resources, manufacturing industry, Life lines of national economy, agriculture, Areas of Indian Economy, Money and Debt both in Hindi and English. There are total 28 chapters in class 10 Social Science.
Best videos from YouTube
Videos play a vital role for effective learning. As it is said, that one can learn faster through videos than mare text books. Yes, that’s right, myCBSEguide has picked some awesome and learning videos from YouTube which will make you understand the concepts more clearly. There are videos both in Hindi and English medium which will help every student of class 10 to learn the concepts of Social Science more clearly. Now students can enjoy the technology enabled learning from videos which are available in both the website and mobile app of myCBSEguide.
How to access Social Science videos
Simply Download myCBSEguide App and watch videos in class 10 Social Science section. You can also access the online in myCBSEguide Video Section as under:
List of chapters Social Science Class-10 (both in Hindi and English)
Here is the list of chapters in class 10 Social Science.
History | The Rise of Nationalism in Europe | यूरोप में राष्ट्रवाद का उदय |
History | The Nationalist Movement in Indo China | इंडो-चाइना में राष्ट्रवादी आंदोलन |
History | Nationalism in India | भारत में राष्ट्रवाद |
History | The Making of a Global World | भूमंडलीकृत विश्व का बनना |
History | The Age of Industrialisation | औद्योगीकरण का युग |
History | Work Life and Leisure | काम आराम और जीवन |
History | Print Culture and the Modern World | मुद्रण संस्कृति और आधुनिक दुनिया |
History | Novels Society and History | उपन्यास समाज और इतिहास |
Geography | Resources and Development | संसाधन एवं विकास |
Geography | Forest and Wildlife Resources (deleted) | वन एवं वन्य जीव संसाधन |
Geography | Water Resources | जल संसाधन |
Geography | Agriculture | कृषि |
Geography | Minerals and Energy Resources | खनिज तथा उर्जा संसाधन |
Geography | Manufacturing Industries | विनिर्माण उद्योग |
Geography | Life Lines of National Economy | राष्ट्रीय अर्थव्यवस्था की जीवन रेखाएँ |
Pol Science | Power sharing | सत्ता की साझेदारी |
Pol Science | Federalism | संघवाद |
Pol Science | Democracy and Diversity | लोकतंत्र और विविधता |
Pol Science | Gender Religion and Caste | जाति धर्म और लैंगिक मसले |
Pol Science | Popular Struggles and Movements (project only) | जन-संघर्ष और आंदोलन |
Pol Science | Political Parties | राजनीतिक दल |
Pol Science | Outcomes of Democracy | लोकतंत्र के परिणाम |
Pol Science | Challenges to Democracy | लोकतंत्र की चुनौतियाँ |
Econimics | The Story of Development | विकास |
Econimics | Sectors of the Indian Economy | भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के क्षेत्रक |
Econimics | Money and Credit | मुद्रा और साख |
Econimics | Globalisation | वैश्वीकरण और भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था |
Econimics | Consumer Awareness | उपभोक्ता अधिकार |
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This app is not get downloaded on iPhone please help for getting videos of 10 th class