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Install NowCBSE Class 10 Hindustani Music (Melodic Instruments) Syllabus 2024-25
Students must follow the updated CBSE syllabus to ensure they are aligned with the official curriculum. With the most recent syllabus, students can focus on important topics, manage their study time effectively, and prepare for their exams with confidence using myCBSEGuide App.The CBSE Class 10 Hindustani Music (Melodic Instruments) Syllabus for the session 2024-25 focuses on providing students with a strong understanding of Talas, rhythmic structures, and the intricacies of melodic instruments in Hindustani classical music. This syllabus is designed to enhance students’ skills in music theory, performance, and rhythm notation.
- Tala Notation and Rhythmic Cycles:
- The syllabus covers Tala notation and description of significant Talas that are crucial to Hindustani classical music. These Talas include:
- Thah Dugun, Tigun, and Chaugun: Representations of the same Tala in different speeds (slow, medium, and fast).
- Tilwada: A 16-beat rhythmic cycle often used in classical compositions.
- Chautala: A 12-beat rhythmic cycle, commonly used in various classical forms.
- Sultala: A 10-beat cycle, significant in Hindustani music.
- Rupak: A 7-beat cycle, essential for understanding the rhythmic flow.
- The syllabus covers Tala notation and description of significant Talas that are crucial to Hindustani classical music. These Talas include:
- Understanding the Structure: Students will learn the complete structure of Talas, understanding their application in different rhythms, including slow, medium, and fast tempos. The ability to read and write these rhythmic patterns is fundamental for mastery in Hindustani music.
- Melodic Instruments in Hindustani Music: The syllabus encourages the understanding and performance of melodic instruments such as the Sitar, Sarod, Flute, and Harmonium. The emphasis is on both the theoretical aspects (like Tala structure) and the practical techniques specific to each instrument.
- Performance Skills: Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in their selected melodic instrument by performing compositions and mastering the rhythms of various Talas. The practical performance is an essential part of the syllabus.
- Application of Talas: Students will also be required to show their understanding of Tala variations like Thah Dugun, Tigun, and Chaugun in their performance. This understanding is essential for performing pieces in different tempos and rhythms.
- Assessment: The evaluation for this subject includes both theory and practical exams, assessing students’ ability to perform Talas correctly, their technical skills on melodic instruments, and their theoretical knowledge of rhythm cycles and music theory.
Why is This Syllabus Important? The Class 10 Hindustani Music (Melodic Instruments) syllabus is crucial not only for performing well in exams but also for students to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indian classical music. By mastering Talas, rhythmic cycles, and instruments, students can develop their skills for advanced music studies and performances.
This syllabus will prepare students for future exploration of classical music and offer them the tools to build a strong foundation in music theory, rhythm, and performance. The CBSE Class 10 Hindustani Music (Melodic Instruments) syllabus for the 2024-25 session provides students with a comprehensive learning experience, combining theoretical knowledge with practical performance. By focusing on Talas, rhythmic cycles, and melodic instruments, the syllabus ensures students have the necessary skills for success in both exams and in their musical journey. Students are encouraged to practice regularly, use available resources, and stay consistent in their preparation. Download the syllabus from our website myCBSEguide now to start preparing and ensure success in your exams.
For the latest syllabus updates, practice papers, and study materials, visit trusted educational resources that help streamline exam preparation and support students in reaching their academic goals.
Class 10 Hindustani Music (Melodic Instruments) Mobile App
CBSE Class 10
Hindustani Music (Melodic Instruments) (Code No. 035)
Syllabus (2024-25)
Total: 100 Marks
Theory: 30 Marks
Time: 02 hours
Practical (External Assessment) 50 Marks
Time: 20-25 Minutes for each candidate
- External examiners are requested to ask the questions directly related to the syllabus.
- Marks should be awarded in accordance with the marking scheme.
Distribution of Marks
Sr. no. | Value Points | Marks |
1. | One Maseet Khani Gat with elaborations in any one of the Prescribed Raga:
| 14 |
2. | Aaroha, Avroha, Pakad, Drut Gat with few Todas and Jhala in each prescribed Raga | 24 |
3. | Identification of prescribed Ragas from the phrases of Swaras rendered by the examiner | 04 |
4. | One Dhun | 04 |
5. | Recitation of Thekas of the following prescribed Talas with Dugun:
| 04 |
- External Examiner will refer to the distribution of Marks while examining the candidate for Practical Examination.
Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Course Structure
Theory – 40 period
Time: 02 hours
30 Marks
1. Questions to be set with internal choice covering the entire syllabus
No | Units | No. of Periods (40) | Marks (30) |
Units 1 | 10 | 06 | |
1.1 | Definition of the following: Aalap, Taan, Meend, Kan. | 04 | |
1.2 | Definition of the following: Dhrupad, Masitkhani Gat, Razakhani Gat. | 06 | |
Unit 2 | 08 | 06 | |
2.1 | Basic knowledge of the structure and Tuning of any one of the following instruments:
| 06 | |
Unit 3 | 10 | 06 | |
3.1 | Detailed study of the following Ragas: Khamaj, Brindavani Sarang, Bhupali | 05 | |
3.2 | Description and Tala notation of the following Talas with Thah Dugun, Tigun and Chaugun, Tilwada, Rupak. | 05 | |
Unit 4 | 08 | 06 | |
4.1 | Ability to do notation of compositions in prescribed ragas. | 04 | |
4.2 | To identify Ragas from Phrases and elaborate them in Swaras. | 04 | |
Unit 5 | 04 | 06 | |
5.1 | Brief life sketch and contribution to music of Tansen, Allaudin Khan and Inayat Khan. | 02 | |
5.2 | Contibution of Omkar Nath Thakur | 02 |
Practical – 100 Periods
External Practical 50 Marks
S.No | Topics | No. of Periods |
1. | One Maseetkhani Gat with simple Todas in any one prescribed ragas. Bhupali, Khamaj, Brindavani Sarang | 15 |
2. | Aaroha, Avroha, pakad and Drut Gat with Tana and Jhala in each of the prescribed ragas: | 45 |
3. | One Dhun | 10 |
4. | Ability to recognize the prescribed Ragas from the Phrases of swaras rendered by the examiner. | 10 |
5. | Recitation of the Thekas of the following Talas with Dugun, keeping Tala with hand beats: Tilwada, C Rupak | 10 |
Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
1. Project File: (05 marks)
- Writing in notation the musical composition of all Ragas prescribed in the syllabus.
- Identifying and interviewing neighbourhood artists.
- Draw & label any one instrument (melodic).
- Description and writing of the notation of all prescribed Talas with Layakaries ( Thah, Dugun, Tigun, Chaugun).
- Draw and label any one of the percussion instrument.
2. Project Work (05 Marks)
- Suggestive Topics*
Interrelationship of the following;
- Music and Religion
- Music and Cinema
- Music and Electronic media
- Devotional aspects of music
- Interrelationship of Arts (music-dance or theatre or visual arts)
*Students may choose any one of the above topics or any other topic for project in consultation with the teacher.
3. Periodic practical Test, restricted to three in an Academic year. (10 Marks)
Average of best two tests to be taken for final marks submission. Each test will examine a candidate for one Raga from the syllabus, one Folk song or one Dhun and two Talas.
CBSE Syllabus 2024-25
CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25
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Download the Latest Sample Papers and Study Materials
To help students prepare effectively, the following resources are available:
- Download Sample Papers: Students can download the latest CBSE sample question papers for Class 10 Hindustani Music (Melodic Instruments) for the 2025 exams. These papers are designed to give students an idea of the exam format and types of questions.
- Study Material and Revision Notes: Access detailed chapter-wise test papers, revision notes, and other study materials to enhance understanding and improve performance. These resources will help students stay aligned with the official CBSE curriculum and prepare effectively for exams.
- Mobile App: The CBSE Mobile App provides easy access to updated syllabi, sample papers, and additional study materials for Hindustani Music (Melodic Instruments) students. It is a user-friendly tool that supports students in their preparation for exams.
Frequently Asked Question:
When will the CBSE 2025 syllabus be released?
The CBSE 2025 syllabus has already been released by the board. Students can now access the updated syllabus for all subjects, including the CBSE Class 10 Hindustani Music (Melodic Instruments) Syllabus 2024-25. This syllabus is available in PDF format, offering a convenient way for students to download and review the topics they need to focus on in preparation for their exams.
For those aiming to excel in their studies, it’s essential to stay informed and use reliable study resources. The myCBSEguide website provides the latest syllabus for all CBSE subjects, helping students stay aligned with the curriculum. The myCBSEguide App platform also offers a range of educational materials such as sample papers, chapter-wise test papers, NCERT solutions, and revision notes, all designed to streamline exam preparation.
Additionally, educators can take advantage of the Examin8 App and Examin8 Website to create customized mock tests and practice papers tailored to their students’ needs.

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