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Certificate of School Based Assessment in CBSE Schools

Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi has issued a teachers manual on CCE for class 9 and class 10. The new scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation is being implemented in class 9th from the current session 2009-2010 and the same will be implemented in class 10th too from next session i.e. 2010-2011. In this new grading scheme, CBSE will not take board exam for class 10 and  a Certificate of School Based Assessment will be issued by the school authorities as per the guidelines given by CBSE.

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CBSE Practice Test Papers with solutions for class 12 Physics

CBSE Practice Test Papers 2009-2010 for class 12 Physics are now available for FREE download at http://mycbseguide.com along with their solutions. Each Unit-wise Test Paper carries 8-10 questions on various topics. All the units of NCERT prescribed text book have been included in this FREE Test series for CBSE class 12 Physics. The Units covered are Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic effect of current & Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating current, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Dual Nature of Matter, Atoms and Nuclei, Electronic Devices and Communication Systems.

Practice Test Papers

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CBSE Grading System : Addressing the Concerns

The CBSE has been discussing the matter with its stakeholders all over the country. A number of issues are likely to be raised by students/parents regarding this initiative. A compilation of such issues, and solutions offered by the Board in the form of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) will be soon available on the CBSE website.

In case of further clarification you may mail your queries to the Chairman CBSE by superscribing “CBSE Examination Reform” on the top of the envelop.

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CBSE Grading System : Operational Modalities

1. The student’s performance shall be assessed using conventional method of numerical marking.

2. The ‘Grades’ shall be awarded to indicate the subject wise performance.

3. The ‘Grades’ shall be awarded on a nine point scale as per Table

4. Only Subject wise grades shall be shown in the  “Statement of Subject wise Performance” to be issued to all candidates.

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CBSE Grading System : How does it help

The primary function of Grading is to communicate effectively to a variety of stakeholders the degree of achievement of an individual student.

The grading of students would also take away the frightening judgmental quality of marks obtained in a test leading to a stress free and joyful learning environment in the school.

This will also enable maintaining a meaningful continuity in the assessment pattern from the primary level to the secondary level and also in ensuring a basic uniformity in the schools.

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CBSE Grading System : Scheme of Grading

As a matter of fact the Board has been preparing itself and all the stakeholders for a change to move over from numerical marking system to grading system during the past few years by creating a climate of acceptance.  The Board has already in a phased manner, introduced the grading system based on absolute marks up to class VIII.

Now, therefore, the CBSE, in consultation with  the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has decided to introduce nine point grading system.

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CBSE Grading System : Setting the Context

Schools begin ranking students, on the basis of their marks, from as early as their pre- primary years. Such a drive has several negative effects on learning.  Students, parents and society at large become anxious in the race to acquire more and more marks in examinations which leads to an extremely stressful existence. Moreover, though all out efforts are made to enhance the reliability of examination, the human error cannot  be avoided. This shortcoming can be overcome if the students are placed in ability bands that represent range of scores.

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Issues Related to CBSE Assessment Scheme 2009-2010 Onwards

Addressing the Concerns:-

The CBSE has been discussing the matter with its stakeholders all over the country. A number of issues are likely to be raised by students/parents regarding this initiative, as it is being done for the first time by any Board in India. A compilation of such issues, and solutions offered by the Board in the form of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) will be soon available on the CBSE website. In case of any clarification you may write through the CBSE’s website (detailed below) or mail your queries to the Chairman CBSE by superscribing “CBSE Examination Reform” on the top of the envelop.

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Benefits of New CBSE Assessment Scheme

The above steps would help the learners and parents, who are the primary stakeholders of school education, in the following manner:-

a) It will reduce stress and anxiety which often builds up during and after the examination which could have an adverse impact on young students especially in the age group of 13-15 years.

b) It will reduce the dropout rate as there will be less fear and anxiety related to performance.

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New Scheme of CBSE Board Examinations

1.1 Senior Secondary Schools

a) There will be no Class X Board Examination w.e.f. 2011 for students studying in CBSE’s Senior Secondary schools and who do not wish to move out of the CBSE system after Class X.

b) However, such students of Senior Secondary Schools who wish to move out of the CBSE system after Class X (Pre-University, Vocational course, Change of Board, etc.) will be required to take the Board’s External (pen and paper written/online) Examination.

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CBSE Aptitude Test and Admission in Class XI

Aptitude Test:

1. The Board will offer an Aptitude Test (optional) which along with other school records and CCE would help the students, parents and teachers in deciding the choice of the subjects at Class XI.

2. The Board proposes to provide an opportunity to students to undertake the Aptitude Test twice, once at the end of Class IX and then at the end of Class X.

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CBSE Class X Examination Reforms and Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

Part-1 CCE for CBSE Class X – 2009 – 10 Academic Session

CBSE Examination Reforms and Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) for CBSE Class X 2009 –10 academic session and onwards.

1. All students of Class X in the current academic year will be taking the CBSE Board’s Class X 2010 Examination. The CBSE will be conducting this Examination. Kindly visit CBSE official website for more details

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CBSE Class IX Examination Reforms and Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

Part-1 CCE for CBSE Class IX 2009 –10 Academic Sessions

CBSE Examination Reforms and Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE), Strengthening Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in Class IX (Second Term October 2009 – March 2010). For further details kindly visit CCE and myCBSEguide

1. The Central Board of Secondary Education introduced Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in Primary classes in 2004 (Circular No. 5/18/25/04). The achievement records and its format was also circulated for Classes I to V with the objective of facilitating holistic learning in the school. 

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Revised Question Paper Design in Sociology Class XII

CBSE decided to introduce Practical Project Work in Sociology for classes XI and XII from the academic session 2008-09 of class XI and the class XII Board examination 2010. Accordingly the revised design of the Board’s theory Question paper of 80 marks will be as follows-

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Change in the Accountancy syllabus of Class XII

Based on the feedback received from the teachers, the Board has decided to make following changes in the Accountancy syllabus of Class XII for the Board Examination 2010.

The following sub-topics will be deleted from Unit 4 of the syllabus, namely
a)    Issue of debentures at a discount.
b)    Writing off of discount on issue of debentures.
c)    Sinking fund as one of the methods of Redemption of Debentures.

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Modification in the name of the course curriculum Engineering Drawing

With changing trends, keeping pace with the latest technological development in the field, CBSE has updated its curriculum at Senior Secondary level in the subject of Engineering Drawing and as a first step in this process has modified the name of the subject from “Engineering Drawing” to ‘Engineering Graphics”. The name “Engineering Graphics” has been … Read more

Adherence to norms of Affiliation of CBSE

CBSE, New Delhi issued a circular regarding adherence to norms of affiliation. The circular is addressed to school principals. Here the circular is. Kindly visit CBSE official site for original circular.

It has been observed in the recent past that a large number of schools are not adhering to the provision laid down under the Affiliation Bye-laws of the Board which are mandatory in nature.

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CBSE Grading System in Class 10

CBSE has introduced new grading Pattern for class 10 students. There will be nine grades. The highest will be A1 (exceptional) with a grade point of 10 and a marks range of 91-100%. Second grade will be A2 (excellent) with a grade point of 9 and marks in the range of 81-90%. Third grade will be B1 (very good) with grade point of 8 and a marks range of 71-80%.

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CBSE New Grading and Assessment System

The new grading and assessment system of the Central Board of Secondary Education will help schools to get rid of rote learning. But how exactly will the system work?


Each academic session in Class IX and X will comprise two terms and students will have two term-end exams called summative assessment.
“The CBSE will provide a question bank to schools, which will then prepare their question papers for the term-end exam and evaluate papers internally,” said CBSE Chairperson Vineet Joshi.

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Categories of Practical Skills in class 10 Science

Followings are the Categories of Practical Skills for class 10 Science MCQ Paper :-

A. Procedural and Manipulative Skills
>> select appropriate apparatus / instruments for performing the experiment.
>> know the limitations of the apparatus/instruments regarding their size, least count and accuracy.
>> arrange / assemble / set and adjust the apparatus systematically.

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