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Install NowPersons eligible to appear as private Candidate at All India Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII)
1. A candidate who had failed at the All India Senior School Certificate Examination of the Board will be eligible to reappear at a subsequent examination as a private candidate in the syllabus and text books as prescribed for the examination of the year in which he will reappear.
2. Teachers serving in educational institutions affiliated to the Board who have already passed Secondary or an equivalent examination at least two years before taking the Senior School Certificate Examination. Teacher candidates shall submit his application form along with a certificate by the Head of school in which they are serving duly countersigned by the Director of Education of the State/Union Territory concerned to the Regional Officer of the Board of the region in which the teacher is serving.
Procedures for Submission of Applications of Private Candidates at All India/Delhi Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII)
1. A private candidate must submit to the Regional Officer to the Board within the prescribed limit an application in the form prescribed together with the prescribed fee for the examination (vide Annexure II) and three copies of passport size photographs duly signed by the candidate and countersigned in case of teacher by the authorities mentioned in byelaw 17(ii)(a) or byelaw 18(ii) and in case of others a member of the Governing Body of the Board or Head of a School affiliated to the Board.
2. If the application of private candidate is received after the prescribed date, he shall pay late fee as prescribed.
3. When a private candidate’s application for admission to the examination is rejected, the examination fee, including late fee, if any paid by him less Rs. 10/- or the amount as decided by Chairman from time to time will be refunded to him provided that in the case of candidates whose applications have been rejected on account of the candidate’s producing a false certificate or making a false statement in the application, the full amount of fee shall be forfeited.
4. Private candidates shall not be allowed to offer for their examination, a subject (even if the subject is recognised for the examination) which is not being taught in an affiliated School.
5. Private candidates shall not be allowed to offer such subjects for the examination which involve practical work except in the case of candidates who had failed earlier and who had put in a regular course of study at an institution affiliated to the Board in the previous academic year. However notwithstanding this condition, female candidates may offer Home Science with practical.
6. Those regular candidates who have failed to obtain promotion to class xii of the school affiliated to the Board or any other recognised Board shall not be admitted to the Senior School Certificate Examination of the Board as private candidates.
7. Every year, in the beginning of the session, the Heads of Schools shall send to the Regional Officer concerned, a list of female and handicapped students who have been detained in class xi containing student’s name, date of birth, the name of his father or guardian and the place of residence.
Persons eligible to appear as a Private Candidate for All India Secondary School (Class X) Examination
1. A candidate who had failed at the All India Secondary School Examination of the Board, will be eligible to reappear at the subsequent examination as a private candidate in the Syllabus and text books as prescribed for the examination of the year in which he will reappear.
2. Teachers serving in institutions affiliated to the Board.
Procedure for Submission of Applications of Private Candidates at All India/Delhi Secondary School (Class X) Examination
1. The application forms for teachers shall be countersigned by the Director of Education of the State/U.T. concerned and those of others by a member of the Governing Body of the Board or by the Head of an institution affiliated to the Board.
2. A Private candidate must submit within the prescribed date to the Regional Officer concerned., an application in the form prescribed together with the prescribed fee (Vide Annexure II) for the examination and three copies of the passport size photograph duly signed by the candidate and countersigned by one of the authorities mentioned at (i) above.
3. If the application of a private candidate is received after the prescribed date, he shall pay late fee as prescribed.
4. When a private candidate’s application for admission to the examination is rejected, the examination fee, including late fee, if any paid by him less Rs. 10/- or the amount as decided by the Chairman from time to time will be refunded to him provided that in the case of candidates whose applications have been rejected on account of the candidates’ producing a false certificate or making false statement in the application, the full amount of fees shall be forfeited.
5. Those regular candidates who have failed to obtain promotion to class X of the school affiliated to the Board or any other recognised Board shall not be admitted to the Delhi Secondary School Examination of the Board as private candidates.
6. Every year in the beginning of the session, the heads of Schools shall send to the Regional Officer, Delhi, a list of female and handicapped students who have been detained in class IX containing student\’s name, date of birth, name of his/her father of guardian and the place of residence.
7. Women Private candidate under byelaw 20 shall not be allowed to offer Science with practical work, unless she has put in a regular course of study in an institution affiliated to the Board and produces a certificate to that effect to the satisfaction of the Board. However, notwithstanding this condition they can offer Home-Science with Practical without such a certificate.
8. Private candidates shall not be allowed to offer for their examination a subject (even if the subject is recognised for the examination) which is not being taught in an affiliated institution.

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i had appeared for the class 12 exams (PCM + comp.sc + english) in 2008 but failed to secure good marks. can i fill a private form(cbse 12th class PCM + comp.sc + english)this year.
where would i get the form??? plzzz help me
i had appeared for the class 12 exams (PCM + comp.sc + english) in 2008 but failed to secure good marks and just passed. can i fill a private form(cbse 12th class PCM + comp.sc + english)this year.
where would i get the form??? plzzz help me.
u can get a form from new york university in bihar
where are the forms available for students who want to reappear in 12th board exams,what`s the & procedure,please tell me.
i was studing in class 11 cbse in kendriya vidyalaya but in the annual weightage the school have failed me and i got supplementary in one subject. i was passed in both annual exam as well as supplementary exam but still i was short of 2 or 3 marks in the annual weightage and the school have detained me . now what to do and how i can appear in the 12 class board exam
from wfere i can get private form for 12th class……………
Can any 1 tell me if i can fill 2nd time form of cbse private candidate…I wasnt able to clear all the exams 2nd time also…Plz help…[email protected]
Dear Sir/Madam,
I want to say that i have appeared in class XII in 2009 and have passed it, but was not able to secure good marks. Therefore, can i fill class XII as a private student and please tell me where i can get the form.
Thank you
I appeared in 12th boards this yr(2009) in d science stream and hv got compartmental in physics. I hv already applied for rechecking. If my marks get increased in rechecking and i pass dis yr, will I b able to change my stream from science to arts and again appear in the exam in private the nxt yr in 2010?
I have failed in chemistry in my 12th standard examination which i appeared in 2009.can i appear in 2010 as a private candidate and appear in chemistry compartment this year also???
where are the forms available for students who want to reappear in 12th board exams,what`s the & procedure,please tell me.
i had appeared for the class 12 exams (PCM ) in 2009 but failed to secure good marks. can i fill a private form(cbse 12th class PCM + phe + english)this year.
where would i get the form??? plzzz help me
i had appeared for the class 12 exams (PCM ) in 2008 but failed to secure good marks. can i fill a private form(cbse 12th class PCM +phe+eng )this year.
where would i get the form??? plzzz help me ntell me frm whr i can get the frm…..
i have failed in 12th class by cbse with pcm and i want to know that i have fill up private form and from whera and who
i have given the examination of class X form Central Board Of Secondary Education ,Delhi as a private candidate of the subject mathematics please tell me about my result .
i had appeared for the class 12 exams (PCM + comp.sc + english) in 2008 but failed to secure good marks and just passed. can i fill a private form(cbse 12th class PCM + comp.sc + english)this year.
where would i get the form??? plzzz help me.
i had appeared for the class 12 exams (commerce stream) in 2008-2009 but failed to secure good marks. can i fill a private form(cbse 12th class commerce stream )this year.
where would i get the form??? plzzz help me
please help me and give me some tips to appear cbse 12th commerce stream 2009-2010 , also for private form
i failed in class eleventh can fill form for class XII
hi, i am a 12th standard student and given my board exams this year and failed in my results. i want reappear in my exams and wants to subscribe privately. what’s the procedure for rest? please help me out.
hi, i have failed in my bosrd exams 2009 , how can reappear in board exams cbse in 2010, from i can get the form and information brochure. please help me.
i hve got 50 marks in maths with science …….. can i apply for cbse private for particular subject and what the reeputation of cbse private in comparing with cbse regular with school
please tell me the procedure of take admission in cbse private on my email id
[email protected]
please tell me the procedure of take admission in cbse private in class 12th
from where i can get the form and where can submit the form.
Sir/Madam, i have secured 79% marks for cbse board exam in std 12. i could not write the maths exam as i had opted for bio-info group. i would like to appear as a private candidate and write the board exam for mathematics next year.could you kindly send me the link for downloading the form for the same.
Where is the office to apply for private cbse exams std X. My child completed the academic year 2008-09 in Oman but could not appear for the exams. Hence I wish he write now in Sept/Oct 09. Anyone to help ??
my cell 98 33 25 8163.
regards shankar
after passed the +1exam in cbse board can i apperar in +2 exam can i directly as a private candidate and if possible what is the procedure?
I have failed in cbse class 12 pcm 2009 can i now change my stream to humanities and give the board again i just want to know that can i have a right to change my stream………??
I have failed in class 12 with pcm in 2009 i want to change my sream to science can i changed it?mean to say can any student have a permission to change it…..?
ls reply it on my mail [email protected]
hi, i am a 12th standard student and given my board cbse exams from Deoria(U.P.)this year and failed in my results. i want reappear in my exams and wants to subscribe privately in Delhi. what’s the procedure for rest? please help me out.
i was having a compartment in math in 2008 10 class i have cleared my compartment in 2009 as private candidates can i do +2class in same year from cbse
where i can get the applicatio form for cbse private for class 12th
I hav given CBSE 12th Exam in the year 2007 result was compartment again recompartment again compartment and recompartment. Now I dont want to continue with Commerce Stream as I cant do may Accountacy subject anymore. Now I want to give exam of CBSE XII exam from Art Stream. Please tell me what is the procedure and from where I can get the form as Im a private Student. Please help me out. Is there any consultant whom I can talk. Please help me
I have failed in +2 science with pcmb in 2006 i want to pass my sream . please help me . [email protected]
hi i am tanveer i want to know which date private forms for 10+2 will be summit and which documents need to summit one more thing i passed my 10th and +1 from jalandhar panjab………….thanks
hiex….i had appeared for the class 12 exams (PCM ) in 2008 but failedsecure . can i fill a private form(cbse 12th class PCM +phe+eng )this year.
where would i get the form??? plzzz help me ntell me frm whr i can get the frm…im frm jalandhar…
hi .i am 11 class 2 time failded
,I have failed in cbse class 11 A/C 2time can i now change my stream to humanities and give the board again i just want to know that can i have a right to change my stream………??
from where can i get private form for cbse class 12th n what is the procedure ??
from where can i get private form for cbse class 12th n what is the procedure ?? its my 2nd time in 12th class ,
hi, i am a 12th standard student and given my board exams this year and failed in my results. i want reappear in my exams and wants to subscribe privately. what’s the procedure for rest? please help me out.
Please give me the details regarding 12th Commerce private Forms
from where can i get private form for cbse class 12th n what is the procedure ??
i give my board exams 2007 and failed in my results. i want reappear in my exams in 2010 and wants to subscribe privately. Can i able now to sit in exams of 2010 what’s the procedure for rest? please help me out.
Kindly send me forms & details for Class 12th examination as a Private candidate at Delhi on the above E-mail.
Please let me know if i can take the class iX exam privately. what process to follow.
Please let me know if i can take the class X exam privately in 2010. what process to follow
i nee to know ehere i shall get the privat form. plz help me out
from where can i get private form for cbse class 12th n what s the procedure
pls send me the detal about the form and what s the last date to fill up the form
hi,i give my board (10+2))exams 2009 and got compartment in Biology.i appeared in compartmen exams on 18 july, 2010 and again got compartment. now i wants to subscribe privately. Can i be able now to sit in compartment exams of 2010 in biology (theory)subject? what’s the procedure for rest? can i submit my exam form in my Kendriya Vidyalaya(where i studied as a regular student of 10+2). please help me out.
i had appeared for the class 12 exams (PCM + bio + english) in 2008 but failed to secure good marks. can i fill a private form(cbse 12th class PCM + bio + english)this year.
where would i get the form??? plzzz help me;I am from delhi.
what is the last date of submisson of form
When is the 12th Maths CBSE exam is planned?
Where do i get the Private form
How can i apply for the same?
when will cbse private forms will come.what is the procedure of admission.
I want give my 12th with private cbse for class 12th i had commerce stream.Will i have to change my stream & from where shud i fill up the forms?
i have wriiten my boards in the year 2008 but i coulnt secure good marks. where will i get the privte application form from? plz help because time is ticking…!!!
i have given the AISSE examination in 2009 from science stream but failed can i giv exam’s privately. What is the cretria
I from delhi
from where can i get private form for cbse class 12th n what s the procedure in delhi & NCR
i have failed in last year cbse private exams. so i want an another chance. so can you convey me the last date of cbse private forms ? plz………….
i want to know how can i get the private form for cbse class 12th.. nd whats the procedure….
I am a class 12 private candidate from Arunachal Pradesh I am not sure.,but i think I have missed this year last date for private admission….Sir can i know the last date of admission for Open School this year…can i appear this year class 12 examination through Open School….
I wana be clear 12th exam with the good percentage from cbse provate board .
Hi, I have completed my B.E(Bachelor of Engineering) , but now i want to change my career to neuroscience research. Please tell me if I can sit for biology exam for twelfth standard. If yes then what’s the procedure. Thanks in advance
Hi , I could not get my application form as a private candidate for class XII this year and wanted to take exam in march. Now I understand that the last day for submission is over. Is there anything we can do to submit the application form . this is from westren region.
hi, i am from jodhpur rajasthan and i want to know how can i get the private form for class 12th science and whats the procedure and last date to submitt the form. please reply me as soon as possible. thanks.
hello,i m aakanksha a private candidate from jharkhand,i have missed to fill the form of private canidates board exam.sir please allow me to fill form its a humble request .if i dont fill form my bba first year will be wasted.
hi I have completed my Xth class in 1996 & BA in 2001regularly. sir pl tell me if i can sit for URDU and ENGlISH Exam for Xth Class.If yes then what’s the procedure.
Sir, when will cbse private forms will come.what is the procedure of admission.
Hi everyone….. I know this might sound crazy..but I have completed my graduation and did my highschool in the Commerce stream in 2005 but I always wanted to take up Science. I now want to do my 11th and 12th again in PCBM… but as if now, I’m working with this IT company.. so I obviously want to do it privately. Please suggest, what I should do… This is urgetn people… time is running out…
i have failed in 11 th non med and i dont want to waste my year how can i get admission in 12th class.i wanty to appear for board 2011…..
have failed in 11 th non med and i dont want to waste my year how can i get admission in 12th class.i wanty to appear for board 2011…..
i was nt able to clear my class 11th final examination an due to dat i was detained….
so i dont want to an year , want to fill appear for class 12th board examination which is to b held in march 2011…
so kindly write to me about all the details for this option….
i am nt able to concentrate in studies i dnt knw why i dnt fell like studying nor my dad is haveing any kind of bussines and i failed in 11th i already wasted my year in 7th now i need to doo 12th from cbse board but can not find a suitable institude to do dat
please help me need to do 12th
sir i have failed in this year,s +2 boards as a private candidate.what will i do now.can i challenge for rechecking as i think there has been average marking.
i will be desperately waiting for ur suggestions
Sir I have failed this year cbse class12 exam(2010)(in physics and math). I want to appear the exam privately next year(2011). What are the procedures i have to follow to register privately in cbse. Also sir does NOS follow cbse course. How can i join the NOS to appear for my 12 next year? Also sir advice me how to prepare for (phy,chem,math) next year. I am very weak in this three subjects. Please reply your answer to me on my mail.
sir i have to know that i m failed in xi class in year 2010 can i apply for class xii as private student.
Hi sir,
i have appeared 12th cbse board examination 2010 and i have failed in 2 subjects out of five……..
sir, i dont wana waste my year can i write and pass through by a private candidate????????
plz sir help me out i cant repeat a year again….
hi, i am a 12th standard student and not given my board exams this year because of some health problems and now i want to continue my 12th class and wants to subscribe privately. what’s the procedure for it? please help me out.
i have given my 12th exam from state board and fails to secure good marks. can i give CBSE 12th exam as a private candidate? what is the procedure? please give me the full infomation.
I had given my class 12th exams and failed in 3 subjects. i had commerce with maths. i want to know if i can reappear has a private candidate with humanities has my main subjects? and when and where can the forms be filled for the same.please give me full infomation
thank you
i have given the AISSE examination in 2010 from science stream but had compartment in chem & physics..but i don’t want to give compartment exam.. i want to reapt 12th from private.. can i giv exam’s privately. What is the cretria
I from delhi
student of KV delhi
i wan 2 appear for private exams 4 (10+2) for the session of 2012. this will be my first attempt 4 12th exam.my subjects r physics,chemestry& math. guide me plz.
last year i have given my 12th exam but i have failed in 2 subjects out of five subjects
can i apply in class 12th as a private student
please reply this answer to me on my male
when and where can the private form for te yeat2010-2011 forms be filled and when it will comee.please give me full infomation
thank you
sir i hav failed in class 12th and i want to give the exams again privately i m a cbse student kindly tell me what is the criteria for giving the exams
i would like to appear as private candidate in CBSE board exam 2011 in class XII TH . I have not received application form from my last attended school. pl help me, how can i get to avoid delay in submission of form.
when do i get the private form for the coming up exams
Respected sir/madam,
I wrote my 12th in 2010,but couldnt get through.I am a bipc student. Now i am appearing as private candidate.I come under chennai region i studied in kendriya vidyala hyd. I heard that application forms for delhi region is released.When is chennai region going to be released??What is the procedure and from where can i get the application form, and am i any way related to my school??Am i supposed to get any signatures or attestations from my principal?? please kindly help me. I dont want to waste anymore of my time. I need every detail. Please help me.
Awaiting for reply,
Sicerely Vishnu priya.paranandi
hi, what is the procedure to appear as a private candidates in science stream for the year 2011 all india cbsc board….
i want to do my 12th board exam privately so can anyone tell me where in mumbai near borivali can i get the form to fill ????plz reply anyone fast as possible…
sir i hav failed in class 12th and i want to give the exams again privately i m a cbse student kindly tell me what is the criteria for giving the exams.
Hi sir,
i have appeared 12th cbse board examination 2010 and i am a student of commerce stream & i have failed in 3 subjects out of five……..
sir, i dont wanna waste my year can i write and pass through by a private candidate????????
plz sir help me out i cant repeat a year again………..
sir i hav failed in class 12th and i want to give the exams again privately i m a cbse student kindly tell me what is the criteria for giving the exams
i hv got 42 marks in maths &60.6%aggregate.is there any risk in giving improvement exam in 2011.or this obtained marks in 2010 will not create any problem in future(i.e; no need of giving improvement exam).
I want to appear for 12th Standard CBSE as a private candidate from Bhopal. Please tell me from where I can get the application forms.
Karthik M Babu
oh yaar so hard 2 study dis..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz send sum sample papers
i got compartment in physics, i gave compartment exam in the month of 19 july 2010 but again i got compartment, so i want to appear physics exam so please tell me the criteria of filling the form.
hiiiiiii. guys its realy dificult to study dis CCE system so i wnt 2 solve sum sample papers based on CCE system,plz help me..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sir i am regular student in kv bt in 12 i got failed in PC so i want to write this year private examination. What are the procedures pls inform me. .
sir i want to appear for the 2010-2011 board exam as a private candidate.so please help me with it.tell me the details of application form and how to get it and from where….
i want a form form for private cbse examination
Hello sir/madam
mera name Dinesh Kumar hai. main delhi se hoon.
mene 2008 main private candidate ke roop main
10th class(C.B.S.E.)se pass ki hai.main ab private candidate
ke hi roop main 12th class CBSE ke exam main baithana
cahata hoon.par fresher candidate ko CBSE ke exam dene
ki permission nahi hai.kya main 12th class ke exam de sakta hoon.please mujhe batanye.
Hi friends,
you should go to any CBSE school(for private candidate/Additional subject(s)) or to your CBSE school(for Failure candidate,Compartments,Improvement purpose) and ask them how to and from where should i get the CBSE private form.
I have filled the CBSE private form for 2011 for ADDITIONAL SUBJECT and obtained my form from IIS School,Jaipur. In jaipur only IIS/KV1 provide form for private candidate for 10 Rs.
NOTE: (1) In JAIPUR Syndicate bank does not provide CBSE private form 2011. Only IIS/KV1 provide in JAIPUR city.
(2) For other places,you should first try to SYNDICATE BANK of your place. If you don’t get from there then go to any CBSE school of your place or contact to DELHI office and ask for the same.
😀 your friend, NIKHIL
I have done my 10th at 2005. Can i appear for 12th directly without doin my 11th now? if yes than suggest me where I can get the forms? I am in PUNE right now
PLease suggest how to apply for private exams fr 12th as I failed in yr 2000. Want to appear for the exams again. PLease help!
My son who is/was a regular student of class x in session 2010-11 has/had to discontinue his attending the school due to some unavoidable circumstances and due to shortage of attendance he now can’t appear as a regular student in the current session. Now what should I do so that he can appear as a private full subject category candidate in CBSE Class X board exam ? Also, kindly inform last date of submission of registration form & place & source of obtaining this form. Though he is already registered as a regular student during his IX class last year. So far the school adm has failed to assist/get us through this requirement waiting for a circular for the same from the board.
i have given my 10th board exam privately in the year 2010……
n after that i want 2 gv my 12th board exam privately in the year 2012 from cbse…. but i’m unknown about the procedure of filling forms.i’m from kolkata.pls provide me the imformation……
n my stream is arts… i forgotted to mention that…. my subjects are:-economics,geography,history,english,p.e
i am study in class11 so i am dessided to study in class 12 by cbse private so plz help me
i am study in class 11 (sci) but due to some family problem i am not able to complete my study in session 2009-2010, and now i want complete my education from the private side by cbse board .
So, plz tell me the procedure for applying the same.
Thanking You
wants to give 12 private by cbse
help me pls
wants to give 12 private by cbse
help me pls
i am study in class 11 now
I gave the grade 10 board exams in 2010, i went into the science stream pcmb but then i changed to the american curriculum. I want to give the 12th grade board exams next year without changing my school but i will study for the exam. Is it possible?
And i live in Dubai not india.
from where i will get the forms for 12th i live in mumbai plzz help me..
want to give 12th private by cbse in commerce help me
failed to secure pass marks in class 11 want to get admission in cbse school in class 12 dont want to waste 1 year plzzz help me…..i want to take arts in any cbse school….plzzz suggest me any school who are willing to take students in class 11 who have failed in class 12….plzzzz help.
my dis year 12th mats exam was not up to mark ,,and i wanna apper for the improvement exam as a private candidate ……pleasezzzzzz help me,,,,,
my dis year 12th maths exam was not up to mark ,,and i wanna apper for the improvement exam as a private candidate ……pleasezzzzzz help me,,,,,
from where i will get the forms for 12th in cbse in ghaziabad
i have done 11 from cbse and i have fail in 11.i don’t want to waste my year .can i can appear for 12 as an private .please reply.it’s emergency.
i clearly passed my icse grade 10 board. i continued in the same school for half a term and then went abroad for studies. i continued 11 there but some how changed my mind and came back to india. being in india its difficult to find a school which can take me in for grade 12 so i was thinking of giving a private exam of grade 12 so as to not waste another year.please help me. thank you.
i passed class XI in 2011 as regular student. now can i appear as private candidate in cbse exam-class-XII to be held in 2012. when & from where i can get the exam regn form. thanks. ms. neelam
In phagwara where i get cbse private candidate forum for grade12
i have appeared for 12th cbse with commerce this year not got the result…,i wanted to do 12th with bio……..,can i do 12th private with bio….
plzzzzz tell me and from where we can get the forms.
i failed out in +1 exams in physics by 3 marks and i got my retest but due to some medical reason i could not clear it and got no other chance can i fill form for private exam please reply soon . Or can i take dummy admission in any other school affliated to cbse in class 12th.Please give me your suggestion.
my son has passed IX th class in year 2011 from a CBSE school and the meantime i transferred to chennai and i took T.C. of my son from previous school i.e. ATOMIC ENERGY CENTRAL SCHOOL JADUGUDA[JHARKHAND].But now CBSE shools in CHENNAI are refusing to get admission in class X th. he allready registerred in CBSE during class IX TH. now i am in great trouble. anybody can guide me ? please help me.
Sir i am failed in 11 standard with pcb and want to do 12 as a private candidate from cbse.Please reply me soon.
sir, i passed my 10th grade cbse exam in 2010. now i would like to apear in 2012 cbse 12th grade exam. what should i do? where i could get forms and apply?
i did not score good marks in class XII in CBSC Exm 2011.
i want to give again XII exam in 2012, can i give in 2012? if yes then what is procedure to give exam in 2012.
Please explain
Reply me ASAP
i have failed my 12th in 2011
pls tell me wen ill get the forms for reappearing
my daughter has passed 5subject bit failed in maths.She has done maths exams well.If we go for rechecking will the marks be revalued
sir/mam i am failed in class 12th with PCB+biotech+eng . i want to know that do i have to study 11th once again ( i was clear pass in 11th) . where can i apply for HUMANITIES subject near by lucknow in good schools . OR only private is an option left for me . if private i a much better option then how to apply and where to apply . plz write about the procedure also .
awaiting for your reply .
where are the forms available for students who are passed and want to reappear in 12th board exams for gaining higher % ,what`s the & procedure,please tell me
where are the forms available for students who are passed but want to reappear in 12th board exams for higher % ,what`s the procedure,please tell me
could me tell i had given exam for class 12 in 2011 this year i could not pass so how can i aply private in cbsc to clear my exam pls tell me…………
i am failed in 12th class and i have been selected in hotel managemant institute in delhi.l am confuse about my future what shoul i do further…………………………???
Respected Sir,
I want to ask that I have appeared in 12th class (P.C.M) this year but fail to get good marks . So I want to fill the private form. where I would get the forms and also that not very costly. Also I want to change my streme I want to go for ARTS side. Please guide for both the conditions, and which is easier too. Si I reside in Meerut, U.P. So guide according to my place.
Thanking You
Goodafter noon sir , may i know the procedure for doing class 12th (arts) as a private candidate . And from which place i will get the private form
sir i have done 12 this year from cbse board in( pcm +eng+phy edu.) but i have an compartment in physics
would like to appear as a private candiadte and want to give all exam in march 2012 can i eligible and how can i get the forms plz tell me whole procedure sr tanx
i want to know abt the private form of cbse . i ws having pcm with physical……in class 12….
i have failed in cbse class 12 year 2011..
how to apply for 2012 private exam??
i got compartment in 12th results but i don’t want to give compartment exam
i want to repeat 12th by giving private exam
now i want to ask u that i m eligible or not to give private exam next year.
please help me!!!!
Dear sir
I have failed in class 11.can i fill the form of class 12 cbse private as i don’t want to waste a year.
i have passed in cbse 12th standard exam this year but i haven’t got my result yet so when will i get plz answer
dear sir/madam i’ve failed in my board exams n i curious to know that if there is any kind of difference btw private exams and the one conducted by cbse for regular candidates
hiiii………. i was studing in class 11 cbse in kendriya vidyalaya but in the annual weightage the school have failed me and i got supplementary . but still i was short of 2 or 3 marks in the annual weightage and the school have detained me . how can i provide my private candidature in 12th cbse…
i am passed in class12 but with poor numbers . so, you tell me that i am able to fill the private form
i have failed in class 12th and i want to give the exam again privately.i am a student of cbse board.kindly tell me what’s the criteria for giving the examination and what’s the procedure.when and from where are the forms available for students.PLEASE TELL ME.
I have failed in class 11th can i fill the form of class 12th in CBSE as a private candidate at indore
i had cleard my 10th in 2008 and now i want admission as private candidate in +2 with PCM.
Hw do i get admission.
Plz mail me with full details.
sir my brother failed in class 12th cbse…can he take admission in class 11th in any other cbse school.
sir my brother failed in class 12th cbse..does he have another option by which he can save his one year or get admission in 12th class from some other school of cbse.. as he is reluctant in joining his school from where he appeared for class 12th..
sir i have done 12 this year from cbse board in( pcm +eng+phy edu.) but i have an compartment in physics
would like to appear as a private candiadte and want to give all exam in march 2012 can i eligible and how can i get the forms plz tell me whole procedure sr tanx
hi Mam i want admission of cbse board in 12th class. plz tell me how get i admission of 12th class. plz
my brother failed in 12th tell how can he fill up a private form i m from up how can i get a private form for him , help me sir
Dear Sir/Madam,
I had given 12th board exam (commerce stream) this year 2010-2011 and have secured 87% marks. But nw I again want to repeat 12th from science stream. So will the board permit me to do that?
Kindly tell me the criteria for the same
Dear Sir/Madam,
I had given 12th board exam (commerce stream) this year 2010-2011 and have secured 87% marks. But nw I again want to repeat 12th from science stream. So will the board permit me to do that?
Kindly tell me the criteria for the same….
maine cbse 2011 me 12th board ka as a regular student se exam diya tha lekin mujhe maths me compart lag gaya aur maine maths compart ka exam miss kar diya compart form ke liye bhi apply nahi kiya tha
kya mai cbse 2012 me as a private candidate cbse ka exam me appear ho sakta hoo
suggest me please i am worried
mai apke answer ka besabri se intezaar kar raha hoo
in this i apper in 12th exam but due to some problem i can’t get good marks sir can i fill up the private form plz tell me sir
respected sir.
i have pass out 10th in 2010th and now i want to give exam of 12th class but as a private candidate can give the exam and how can i get the forms plz tell me whole procedure .
r/s i have pass out 10th standard in 2010th and now in 2012 i want to give 12th class but as a private candidate can i give the exam and how can i get the form please tell me the whole procedure.
i gave class 12th exams in 2011 but was unable to clear economics. then gave the compartment exam …again was unable to clear….now wanted to take admission as a private candidate……please help me tell me the procedue….i have done my 12th from bareilly up
respected sir,
i have failed in cbse 12 this year.i want to apply as private candidate with subjects containing pcm+physical.sir can u plz.tell me the procedure.i will be thankful to u.
i want to apply cbse class 12 private candidate form 2012 how can i
sir i have passed 12th as a private candidate and now taking addmission in b.sc but school is not giving me transfer certificate, and i need to submit tc in college,
school principal is saying we don’t give tc to private candidate,
whatt shoud i do now??
will cbse will provide me tc of private candidate
hello there,i want to know am i eligible to give 12th boards private again as i have passed my 12th boards this year (2010-2011) and i have scored 78% in it without failing in any of the subject.but you myst be awared of DU cut-off its very high almost 100%. and i am a student from commerce stream and right now pursuing history hons. which is a course of humanities stream so i want to gt back to my stream and for that i need your help please help please contact me at 8750840623.please help me i am waiting for your positive response……….please contact me on my number please…..
where can i get the open cbse form.andpass class x.
from where i can get 12 private form of ajmer region.
i have failed in 12th standard and wants to fill private form
i lives in aligarh city in up.
plz tell me where did i get forms and give other information
where did i get private form for aligarh city at uttar pradesh region
i got compartment in my 12th std.with science stream from meerut.i didnt gave the compt.exam as i have to repeat through private.i have no idea of how to apply for private exams.can i fill the form online also as i am an all india candidate?now i have shifted to delhi.kindly help me as soon as possible,it will be a great help from your side,thanking you
I have opted bio-computer in 11 std. Is it possible to write maths along with the other subjects in 12 std board exam? If yes, where I have to register it?
respected sir,i had appeared in 2008 as a regular student of 12th in cbse 4m panchkula region bt due 2 compatment in chemistry i didnt got the passed certificate from cbse that year nw i want 2 reappear as a private candidate 4m cbse board for tz year so can u plz help me regardin ol tz process…….ma further inquiries 4m u is that: 1-where shud i get 2012 priv8 cand. forms of panchkula region? 2-whether ma that year practical marks are goin 2 be treated as same 4 tz or i hv 2 reappear 4 that also………………..sir plz help me. m waiting 4 ur reply thnx
when will come private form of class 12th plz tell me
I have failed in 12 exam 2011 and want to reappear.
I kindly request you to help me out for private exam 2012[Ajmer region].
I would be waiting for your reply.
Thank you.
i left college after completeing 11std but now i want to give my 12 std boards through private examination how can i do so please help me i live in mumbai, maharashtra
DEAR SIR, I belong to dehradun. i live in delhi form last four year. i want to know how i am appear in 10th cbse board in delhi . sir, i have not any document in proof in resident in delhi ,
sear sir/mam
i passed my 12th boards in 2008 bt secure less then 60% marks…now i am in b.tech 4th year ..i want to know can i give 12th class improvement exam in this session??plz help n from where i get examination form??
hi!! Iam xth passed student & i got admission in std.xi with commerce but due to a serious incident i kept my attendance very short so dropped out from school now i wish to keep my study continue without ellapse of year either from private or regular institution & also with changed subject PCB for the session 2011-2012 so is it possible at this time? & is it possible to have my xith study from private & xii from regular…from where i can in u.p?
please tell me the procedure of take admission in cbse private in class 12thfrom where i can get the form and where can submit the form.i’m appearing for the first time.
please tell me the procedure to take admission in cbse private in class 12th,
from where can i get the form and where can submit the form?I’m appearing for the board exam of class 12 for the first time.
Sir / ma’am I have passed 12th ( with PCM + Comp.Sc. + Phy.Edu ) in 2011 but I was failed in maths. I want to give improvement test ( as private student ) for maths , I want to know that is am eligible for it and when + where I can get the form for improvement test.
Sir / ma’am I have passed 12th ( with PCM + Comp.Sc. + Phy.Edu ) in 2011 but I was failed in maths. I want to give improvement test ( as private student ) for maths , I want to know that is am eligible for it and when + where I can get the form for improvement test.
Please mail me @ my id :- [email protected]
I am in bahrain and i want to give private exam for class 10th
want to tanke admission in humanities as a private student. can I?
Dear Sir / Madam,
Please let me know that from where i can get the form?
please tell me the procedure to take admission in cbse private in class 12th,
from where can i get the form and where can submit the form in delhi and last date for sumission the form?
Sir I have to know that I have failed in XI Class in year 2012.
Can I apply for class XII as private student.
can someone repeat cbse class 11 (biomaths),though he passed ,but with low marks???
i had passed class 10 exam form jawahar naodaya vidyalaya, Durgapur, West Bengal, in the year 2010-11, but due to some reasons i did’nt read class 11 in that school, and unfortunately I have to dropped the whole year. Now i want to take admission again in class 11 in any other cbse board school. Can i tkae admission in this new session of 2012???? please suggest me the best…… I am very depressed pls… Help me……… I “ll be very thankful to each and every one… suggest me all possible ways……. thank u…..
sir i have been failed in class 12 and now i want to fill private of vclass 12 and my parents want to change my optional subject wheather it is possible or not.
sir i wanna give my exams as a private candidate in +2 from arts could u please suggest me some subjects
actually i wanna give my exam as a private candidate and i want to change my optional subject i.e computer or hindi instead of computer i want to study hindi in claas 12
ap ko admission mila kya
SIR mara nam akash rudra hai ,aur mai 12th 2011-2012 cbse bord se diya tha magar pcm mai phail ho gaya ab kya muje cbse private mai addmition milljaiga ki nahi ., aur sir muje cbse science mill jae gi apply karne ki last date kya hai ? aur cbse office ka adresse kya hai? aur cbse private mai addmission fee kitne haiaur syallbus 12th cbse bord wala aaega ya change hoga…….thank you
sir mainay 10th ka exam 2012 mai pass kiya hai mrei date of birth and name dono galat ho gaya hai mai kasay theek kaba sakta hai deepak
sir, i had failed in cbse compartment exam this july and i got second compartment. but i want to give cbse private exam of all the subjects. i was a regular student of k.v last year
ya sure…g wid a private nd it is best option..
hello sir ihad fail in cbse comparment exam 2012.i got re comparment .but igive all subject paper as a prvate candidate whats a proceger
sir main 12th class pass hu lekin marks not good or mai chahata hu ki private cbse de du uska process kya hai aap mujhe detail bata de please
I want to appear as a private candidate for 10th board CBSE
please help me with the procedure of applyig for private exam please
maine CBSE se 2010 ko 10th standard passed kia tha. maine chata ho 12th private se attend karo.
sir , please help me for attending the 12th examination from private state:- Tripura, Capital:- Agartala, Pin 799003
sir ,
I have done my 10 class but becouse of same problem i have failed in 11 class but now i don’t want to waste my this year that’s why i want to do 12 class so pls give me information of corespontent cbse as a private and i want to also know that from where should i do 12th.
sir i had compartment in maths in class 10 in year 2007 …
now i want to give the compartment.exam .. am i eligible for giving that exam???
jaipur me kon konse school hai jaha se cbse 12 th ka form bhar sakta hu
Sir,I failed my cbse 12th boards from Kota Rajasthan.Now i want to reappear as a private candidate (for cbse boards) from chhattisgarh.I checked all the procedures but there is no clause about giving it from the other state, so i am worried. please help?
Hello sir men 2011 men 10 pass hogaya and 2012 and 2013 men 11 and 12 pass hogaya pcm group se .bit mujhe biology men bahut interest hin sir kya men phr se 11 and 12 cbse se pad sakta hun regular ya private plusses help me sir
I am Arshdeep Singh from Jalandhar. I want to take admission in class 12th after 10th.Can I get admission.Plz tell me the procedure. I have done my matriculation from KV in 2016.