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Install NowNCERT Solutions for Class 9 English On Killing a Tree book solutions are available in PDF format for free download. These ncert book chapter wise questions and answers are very helpful for CBSE exam. CBSE recommends NCERT books and most of the questions in CBSE exam are asked from NCERT text books. Class 9 English chapter wise NCERT solution for English part 1 and English part 2 for all the chapters can be downloaded from our website and myCBSEguide mobile app for free
NCERT solutions for Class 9 English On Killing a Tree Download as PDF
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter wise Solutions
- The Fun They Had
- The Sound of Music
- The Little Girl
- A Truly Beautiful Mind
- The Snake and the Mirror
- My Childhood
- Packing
- Reach for the Top
- The Bond of Love
- Kathmandu
- If I were you
- The Road Not Taken
- Wind
- Rain on the Roof
- The Lake Isle of Innisfree
- A Legend of the Northland
- No Men Are Foreign
- The Duck and the Kangaroo
- On Killing a Tree
- The Snake Trying
- A Slumber did My Spirit Seal
- The Lost Child
- The Adventures of Toto
- Iswaran the Storyteller
- In the Kingdom of Fools
- The Happy Prince
- Weathering the Storm in Ersama
- The Last leaf
- A House is Not a Home
- The Accidental
- The Beggar
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English On Killing a Tree
I. 1. Can a “simple jab of the knife” kill a tree? Why not?
Ans: No, a simple jab of a knife cannot kill a tree because it takes many years for a tree to grow and rise out of the earth. Moreover, only a chop cannot kill it because it will slowly rise again and grow to its original size.
2. How has the tree grow to its full size? List the words suggestive of its life and activity.
Ans: The tree grows to its full size by absorbing years of sunlight, water, and air. It slowly grows out of the earth and sprouts leaves. The words suggestive of its life and activity are ‘grown slowly consuming the earth’, ‘rising out of it’, ‘feeding upon its crust’, ‘absorbing years of sunlight, air, water’, and ‘sprouting leaves’.
3. What is the meaning of “bleeding bark”? What makes it bleed?
Ans: “Bleeding bark” refers to the area on the tree trunk where it has been hit with the axe. It bleeds because the wood cutter has wounded the tree by cutting and chopping it.
4. The poet says “No” in the beginning of the third stanza. What does he mean by this?
Ans: In the beginning of the third stanza, the poet has said “No” to lay emphasis on the fact that mere chopping of the tree would not kill it. The tree would grow again and retain its original size.
5. What is the meaning of “anchoring earth” and “earth cave”?
Ans: “Anchoring earth” refers to the roots of the tree that lie inside the earth and play the role of an anchor for the tree to grow. They ensure the security of the tree as they nourish it with water and nutrients. “Earth cave” refers to the ground on which the foundation of the tree is laid as it holds the roots and keeps the tree standing tall and protects it from adversities such as heavy rainfall or storm.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English On Killing a Tree
6. What does he mean by “the strength of the tree exposed”?
Ans: The strength of the tree lies in its roots, which the poet asks to snap out in order to kill the tree. Thus, the phrase “the strength of the tree exposed” refers to the roots of the tree being exposed to sunlight and air.
7. What finally kills the tree?
Ans: The tree is finally killed by the uprooting of its roots. When the roots, which had anchored it lying hidden in the earth for years, were dug out, the tree’s strength was exposed and this led to the death of the tree. It dried up after it had been uprooted.
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English
NCERT Solutions Class 9 English PDF (Download) Free from myCBSEguide app and myCBSEguide website. Ncert solution class 9 English includes text book solutions from part 1 and part 2. NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 9 English have total 30 chapters. 9 English NCERT Solutions in PDF for free Download on our website. Ncert English class 9 solutions PDF and English ncert class 9 PDF solutions with latest modifications and as per the latest CBSE syllabus are only available in myCBSEguide.
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very nice answers
Thanks for me help very nice answers
very good answers,but language is little bit difficult ,but good
Good this app is very usefull??????