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Install NowThe Teachers’ Manual for Classes VI-VIII has been long awaited as the scheme of CCE at the upper primary level was announced vide circular No. 02 dated 31.01.2006. We at myCBSEguide providing you all the required details related to CCE manuals for teachers.
After initiating Achievement Records for Classes I-V detailing the various aspects of scholastic and co-scholastic activities, the Board had recommended a seven point scale vide this circular for Classes VI-VIII. However the present Teachers’ Manual has recommended a nine point scale for scholastic components and a five point scale for co-scholastic components. The CCE Teachers’ Manual at the upper primary stage provides teachers with meaningful information about putting into practice an evaluation that is ‘continuous’ in that it occurs over a period of time and ‘comprehensive’ in that it incorporates both the scholastic and the co-scholastic components of learning.
The manual focuses on the various features and parameters of CCE and School Based Assessment. It also brings out the gradual progression of CCE from Classes I-V and then on to Classes VI-VIII. The Board has already recommended that the students should not carry school bags and there should be no homework up to Classes I & II. It has also recommended that a two year profile of the students be maintained for students of Classes I & II and the three year profile be maintained for Classes III-V vide circular No. 25 dated 12.06.2004. The current manual covers the details and techniques required for Formative Assessment in scholastic areas as well as assessment of co-scholastic areas. The implications for schools and the broad guidelines for teachers are also a part of the Manual.
The format of the Report Card to be printed for Classes VI-VIII has been given as a model which the schools can adapt and adopt while retaining the major areas and activities mentioned.
The assessment will cover both scholastic and co-scholastic aspects and will be carried out in schools over the two terms, Term 1 and Term 2 by means of formative and summative assessments using a variety of tests and assignments. For purpose of teaching and assessment, the syllabus for different subjects may be bifurcated for the two terms.
Structure and weightage details are given below
This is newly added rules in CBSE, so one should note down all the details. If you have any queries then we are here to assist you. We also advice to follow the official site of CBSE to see all updates and new circular.
There will be four Formative Assessments each of with a weighting of 10% each. There are two Summative Assessments (SA1 and SA2) with a weighting of 30% each.
- First Term : FA1(10%) + FA2 (10%) + SA1 (30%) = 50%
- Second Term : FA3 (10%) + FA4(10%) + SA2 (30%) = 50%
Formative Assessment can be carried through using multiple modes of assessment such as assignments, quizzes, debates, Group discussions, Projects and only one pen and paper test. It may be clearly communicated to all teachers teaching various subjects that all Projects and assignments must be done as group activities within the class and school time only. Each subject must have only one paper pencil test under Formative Assessment. The other modes of assessment must be part of classroom interactive activities.
The Summative Assessment is a written, end of the term examination which may consist of objective type, short answer and long answer questions.
For making evaluation comprehensive, both scholastic and co-scholastic aspects should be given importance. Co-scholastic areas will consist of Life-Skills, Attitudes and Values, Co-scholastic Activities and Health and Physical Education.
The details regarding the descriptors for grading co-scholastic areas and the process of arriving at a grade is given in the Teachers’ Manual.
A copy of the Teachers’ Manual is placed on the CBSE website (www.cbse.nic.in) and can be downloaded from under the CCE corner. The priced publication will be available from the stores at Central Board of Secondary Education, Shiksha Sadan, 17, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi 110002.
This may be brought to the notice of all teachers, students and parents of Classes VI-VIII.

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